What's wrong with the church today?


Originally Posted by KingSmith
Just to be clear for those of you who are in support of ID which of you also support evolution.
I believe life started with God, but I don't believe every infinite thing was individually created. I believe things adapt to their environment.
I believe God created a cat like animal, but not every species of cat on the planet, etc,


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSmith
Just to be clear for those of you who are in support of ID which of you also support evolution.
I do.
Evolution/adaptation of a species is obvious.
One species becoming another, is not so common.
No matter how many cats I throw into the lake, not one has ever grown gills.
Evolution is a vague term.


Originally Posted by socal57che
I do.
Evolution/adaptation of a species is obvious.
One species becoming another, is not so common.
No matter how many cats I throw into the lake, not one has ever grown gills.
Evolution is a vague term.
poor cats


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSmith
poor cats
Birds grow longer beaks, have webbed feet, even larger claws, but none have ever changed into an insect.
Adaptation is proven.
One animal changing into another, with no fossil trace of the progress of said change, just isn't seen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSmith
Just to be clear for those of you who are in support of ID which of you also support evolution.
I really don't know exactly what I believe with all that. It's just a lot of fun to talk about it. I believe in God, which subsequently means I believe in an intelligent designer... so I guess I believe in ID. I also believe that God created the heavens and the earth, but it is widely debatable as to how long it took God to do it. The bible says 7 days, but no one knows exactly what those 7 days mean... it could be 7 days or it could be 7 seasons, or 7 periods of time over a millennia... the Cambrian Explosion could have been the 5th day, but that's just a guess, honestly.
Do I believe in Evolution as we know it to be? Not entirely. SoCal57 says it best... no matter how much you throw a cat into a lake, it isn't going to make it grow gills. Because that's the case, I doubt that every living being on this planet came from a solitary single-celled organism. I am not a descendant of a fancy goo. Do i believe that there are a few certain aspects of evolution that have been proven to be true? Yes. I do not want to dispel evolution in it's entirety, but I do think a lot of scientists need to let go of what they know has been proven to be untrue.


Active Member
I was looking through my posts and came across this one, instantly answering it in my head. It is so simple that I feel ashamed for not saying something earlier.
What's wrong with the church today?
It's full of sinners. That's why the church was estblished. Not for the rightious, but for sinners.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I was looking through my posts and came across this one, instantly answering it in my head. It is so simple that I feel ashamed for not saying something earlier.
What's wrong with the church today?
It's full of sinners. That's why the church was estblished. Not for the rightious, but for sinners.
I would debate that it's what's RIGHT with the church... is that it's full of sinners. I think that's what you're saying though... and that what's wrong with it is that it's full of the righteous.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
I would debate that it's what's RIGHT with the church... is that it's full of sinners. I think that's what you're saying though... and that what's wrong with it is that it's full of the self righteous.
Yes, but sinners just the same. I added a word to your reply. It seemed fitting. As long as we are in the world we will fall short of the mark. It's too bad so many church leaders get so caught up in the ways of the world that they lose sight of the fundamentals that are so important. Being a church leader does not make one immune to sin.
You find a job down here yet?