what's your favorite algae eater?


Active Member
hmmm...if it is enought to hurt fish/corals/other inverts then idk if i will go with one. a lettuce nudibranches safe? so if it gets threatened or sucked into something for some reason it will be safe?


Active Member
i looked them up a little. seems to me that they aren't, and taking it from someone who has one, i think i'll order one the next few days while i make an order for some other stuff from SWF.


Do seahares eat green hair algae? Sorry to hijack the thread, but I am having an issue with algae all the sudden and never really had hair algae before. I can't figure it out. The algae in my refugium is growning like crazy and then I get this really long hair algae in spots on many of the rocks. I havent changed anything. I really don't have much of a cleanup crew though...just a couple hermits...

coral keeper

Active Member

Originally Posted by meowzer
Where did I say it was poisonous???
You didn't, I was replying to gio28 question. Here is the quote.
Originally Posted by gio28

i wish i had gone bigger to get a tang...maybe in the future. are sea hares poisonous?
are there any bad things about them at all? i would like to get one cause i've been hearing they are great additions to clean up algae.

coral keeper

Active Member

Originally Posted by Ryancw01
Do seahares eat green hair algae.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but I am having an issue with algae all the sudden and never really had hair algae before. I can't figure it out. The algae in my refugium is growning like crazy and then I get this really long hair algae in spots on many of the rocks. I havent changed anything. I really don't have much of a cleanup crew though...just a couple hermits...
Yup! They sure do! :)


Active Member
one is plenty for a 36 gallon you think? i was gonna get 2 mexican turbos but SWF never has any in stock...so sea hare it is.


Active Member
I am sorry gio but I just got home from Octoberfest.....needless to say I have had a few. I thought I would just throw out there, every tank goes through algae blooms. Yours is just getting mature. You can fight it all you want too, but IMO ervery tank will go through it at some point. Keep it in check the best you can, and ride out the storm. Your tank will be a lot more strong in the end. Just don't add anything until you get it stable. I know it's hard. I know you are working on a sump/refuge. Just let things calm down. IT HAPPENS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Posiden
I am sorry gio but I just got home from Octoberfest.....needless to say I have had a few. I thought I would just throw out there, every tank goes through algae blooms. Yours is just getting mature. You can fight it all you want too, but IMO ervery tank will go through it at some point. Keep it in check the best you can, and ride out the storm. Your tank will be a lot more strong in the end. Just don't add anything until you get it stable. I know it's hard. I know you are working on a sump/refuge. Just let things calm down. IT HAPPENS.
i might have just discovered the potential problem...
my hob filter (since my sump is not quite done yet) is the only filtration i have other than a skimmer. and the HOB filter has algae growth on it a little and the media does as well...would the returning water also carry with it like the spores or something of the algae so it attaches to everything in the current and grows. its just a thought.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by gio28
one is plenty for a 36 gallon you think? i was gonna get 2 mexican turbos but SWF never has any in stock...so sea hare it is.
Yeah, one Sea Hare should be plenty for a 36 gall. Just be sure to cover all the powerhead intakes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gio28
i might have just discovered the potential problem...
my hob filter (since my sump is not quite done yet) is the only filtration i have other than a skimmer. and the HOB filter has algae growth on it a little and the media does as well...would the returning water also carry with it like the spores or something of the algae so it attaches to everything in the current and grows. its just a thought.

Yes and no....Your tank is a closed system. So, algae will grow where ever it can. The fact that it is present is an indacation that conditions are right for it to grow. It (the algae) doesn't care where that area is. If there is enough light for it to grow in the HOB then it is going to grow there as well as the display. IMO all tanks will go through an algae bloom. Depending on how fast you added inhabitents to the system, depending on what the tank told you was ok and the time frame you read about......will dictate the maturation date of the tank. There all different. However, slow and steady is the way to go. I have no idea how you started the tank. I have no idea how you went about adding fish and the such to the tank. You do.
I will say that algae will only grow in optimal conditions. It is kinda like cocroaches, they start out in the kitchen and then, when the numbers get to big they move to the bath rooms and evently to the living room and then bed rooms. I would think of your HOB as a living room or a bed room. That is if it isn't light up directly on purpose. If it isn't light up on purpose, then it is growing there due to an abundice of nutrients. Tap water, over feeding, going too fast,


Active Member
im just so baffled. the only fish i have is a clownfish which has been in there for months and months. i only feed it exactly what it will eat. my light is only a few months old. i move very slow and do WCs regularly. and i do use tap water and try to condition with Prime. i think its diatoms, cause its like dust. when i added the remora skimmer my slime went away but diatoms are just so persistent at finding a way to live...


Active Member
Originally Posted by gio28
im just so baffled. the only fish i have is a clownfish which has been in there for months and months. i only feed it exactly what it will eat. my light is only a few months old. i move very slow and do WCs regularly. and i do use tap water and try to condition with Prime. i think its diatoms, cause its like dust. when i added the remora skimmer my slime went away but diatoms are just so persistent at finding a way to live...

I know it is hard to believe but, diatoms will grow at any opertunity they get. There could be silicates in the water supply that you cant/arent testing for that are driving the diatoms. Have you tested your water supply?


Active Member
ohhh, i will test for all params that could be the cause. i have phosphate, nitrate, and anything else that would be a problem. but the prime should detox the nitrates and phosphates. i really need RO


Active Member
Originally Posted by gio28
ohhh, i will test for all params that could be the cause. i have phosphate, nitrate, and anything else that would be a problem. but the prime should detox the nitrates and phosphates. i really need RO

RO or RO/DI really eleminates the other variables that "moght" be causing you issues. You can buy it from the LFS, but have them let you see in person what the TDS reading is while it is filling your jugs. You can't argue those readings. If they are sloid and confidient then that wont be of any concirne to them.
As far as Detox goes.....I have no personal experience with it. I have read that at best it will only reduce nitrates like 10 ppm. IIRR.
I know you are in a quandry with your parents and the RO unit If I remember right.