what's your favorite algae eater?


Active Member
yeah, they dont see the point in having/taking me to get RO so i need to get some facts and let them see how important it is. i need my license...lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by gio28
yeah, they dont see the point in having/taking me to get RO so i need to get some facts and let them see how important it is. i need my license...lol
In due time.
I might suggest another option. Given your current situation. I would build and run a ATS (algae turff scrubber) with any other filtration you have. Even your sump/refuge when you get it going. Or even some cheato. I would stop doing water changes. This way you stop importing bad things into the tank. The algae will use up nutrients as they happen. Your water will age as it were and you will dose supliements. I think they will see the expience of reef nutrients as a good thing over an RO/DI unit. Maybe even you can buy them.

The point is to stop putting bad stuff into your tank. You can buy sea water from the LFS if you still want to do water changes. Blue Line makes some good stuff. Just test it and make sure it is where you want it before you do the water change.
There are lots of ways to skin a cat in this hobbie. Every system is different, you must acecpt info on all sides and apply the info that pertains to you. I can't tell you what to do, neither can anyone else. You must understand "your" tank. I know it is hard, but that is the answer. Look at the filtration system you have and (in your case) the system of filtration you are going to employ. I can tell you what worked for me, but you have to interpet that to your system. It is hard for me to write right now.....Do you get what I am saying?


There are lots of ways to skin a cat
Must we use that expression

I know, tell your parents you want ro water for Christmas...then they will know you are serious


Active Member

Originally Posted by meowzer
There are lots of ways to skin a cat
Must we use that expression

I know, tell your parents you want ro water for Christmas...then they will know you are serious


Lets not forget I have a cat...........A rescued one at that. Thank you.


Active Member
xmas list:
-small RO unit
its on there now...so they must consider it!!! lol
i will stop doing WCs for now and just keep dosing trace elements and other supplements for my inverts. i dont have any corals yet...so im not so concerned about the water quality


Active Member
Originally Posted by gio28
xmas list:
-small RO unit
its on there now...so they must consider it!!! lol
i will stop doing WCs for now and just keep dosing trace elements and other supplements for my inverts. i dont have any corals yet...so im not so concerned about the water quality

You should be. "Corals yet" implys that there will soon be some. This is the best time to practice. There isn't really anyone to get pissed at you.
I would only stop the water changes if you have an approite way of exporting nutrients. Like I said, Cheato or a turff scrubbber. Some sort of algae.


Active Member
once my sump is set up, this weekend, i will have chaeto, a dsb, and my skmmer down there to export stuff. also, some chemipure, sponge filters, and purigen for the basic filtration media.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gio28
once my sump is set up, this weekend, i will have chaeto, a dsb, and my skmmer down there to export stuff. also, some chemipure, sponge filters, and purigen for the basic filtration media.
Well, dispite the opinion of others. If these things are adiquite in size and the flow is right, then I see no issues. I would however clean the sponge filters every day in fresh water so they don't become part of the bio filter. JMO.


Active Member
yeah, i might just leave one in (for bacteria) for an instant QT for new arrivals and wash the rest frequently. that way im all set for an easy QT and can take it down when done.


Using tap water is more than likely your problem. What RO unit are you asking for?
You should not stop doing water changes, that's just a bad idea and probably isn't going to help things out at all.
Try Poland Spring or Distilled water from the store. Anything but Tap!


Active Member
ok, i forgot to really mention this...my tank is like a cloudy brown (from algae?) and i literally cannot see more than a few inches into the tank. i cant see 90% of my rockwork and my glass is cleaned every day...so its not the glass. i have no idea why its so bad but its like so horrible i cant even see my clownfish with the lights on unless he is in the middle of the tank or closer.


Active Member
yep, i was using chemipure elite and then and few days ago i changed to regular carbon to see if there was any difference...and there wasnt. its been like this for months.
all the media i have is biomax, carbon, sponge filter, and then some purigen in my skimmers return.


If you're not rinsing the carbon in cold water first, this can be your issue. ChemiPure should not make your water cloudy, I have used this in all 3 of my tanks, but it must be rinsed before you put it in the tank, otherwise, mucky water.


Active Member
i rinse thoroughly, no matter what media it is. its more of like an algae cloud thats in my tank since its brown. while i look at the water while my MH is on it looks like there are clouds of brown just circulating in the tank.


Originally Posted by gio28
i rinse thoroughly, no matter what media it is. its more of like an algae cloud thats in my tank since its brown. while i look at the water while my MH is on it looks like there are clouds of brown just circulating in the tank.
Sounds like suspended algae....fresh carbon, and water changes should help....NOT OVERNITE...LOL
You need to look at what you are feeding...is it too much maybe????


Active Member
suspended algae sounds like what i have. i only feed what my clown will eat exactly..and a pellet or two for the cleaner shrimp when he knows theres food to grab. i just replaced the carbon. should i add some extra in my skimmers return chamber? i have another bag of chemipure elite i could use with the generic carbon thats running in my HOB.
as far as WCs my hydrometers toast and i ordered a refractometer a week ago off e bay but it still hasnt shipped
. so i have to wait later this week for it to come.


IDK anything about that chemipure stuff....Personally I would add a little extra carbon, and plan on changing it frequently....I changed mine every 3 days when I had this issue....