Flower, the dogs would be better suited getting the chicken raw, bones and all. When you cook it, the nutrients are in the water, this is why when people make chicken stock (for human consumption) they toss the carcasses, the good stuff is in the water. While they will readily eat the chicken, there is little nutritional value there.
After dealing with various allergies, all my dogs are on the raw diet. They have never been healthier or happier and I don't cringe everytime a food recall hits the airwaves. Before our cat passed, she was also on raw. She was a feline leukemia positive kitty that had a multitude of health and allergy issues and first prompted me to consider raw. Despite the predictions, she lived to be an old lady at the age of 17 (maybe older, we got her as a young adult) and passed away in her sleep.
While the Iams and Eukenuba are not the worst, there are far better, balanced diets out there. If you are interested, I can post up some links and studies. This has been a big area of debate on another board I am on and it can really be interesting to read.
If I were you, skip the Alpo, it's just junk in a can. The preservatives, additives, dies, and undigestibles in it really make it troublesome. There are high sodium levels which is not good for the dogs over the long term even in what we think to be smaller doses.
We make our own treats. I bought a cheapo microwave dehydrator and dehydrate real meats for them. They love them!
The Jack's links and the hot dogs contain preservatives as well as large amounts of sodium.
There is alot of debate and documentation that the reason we are seeing such a rise in cancer in our pets are directly reflective of all the preservatives we pump into their bodies.