Where Are The Residents Of Guantanamo Bay Going To Live This Time Next Year?


Active Member
Well, that pretty much sums up my question. Where do we send some of the most dangerous people in the world? We really don't want them here because the courts will turn them loose in our back yards. Their home countries certainly don't want them back. Where do they go?


Active Member
you'd think that after two years of campaigning that he wants to close gitmo, that he'd have a plan for this.
heck, after two years of campaigning to end torture, he wouldn't need a panel to tell him what torture is...
great way to start!!!!!!!


Active Member
Those idiots are like martyrs now... except for the dying part, and based on this... I hope we keep them in custody somewhere...
I've heard Ellemsdorf is nice this time of year.


Active Member
heck let em live in the white house. If they're gonna be our neighbors they might as well be his.


Active Member
There is talk that Finland is going to get their share of these fellows. Unfortunately any country that has agreed to take in refugees are going to be responsible for these guys.
On a funny note... once they make it there they hope they had gone to hell instead. It's COLD!


Active Member
Anthill Houston, tx -so streb can keep an eye on them with his new Christmas present...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Anthill Houston, tx -so streb can keep an eye on them with his new Christmas present...
lol, yeah, no, we have enough evacuees from Katrina.
I think in 2007 of the 250ish murders for the couple million plus people in the area. 60 of them have suspects that are katrina refugees. There is about 100,000 of them still here.
That will keep what I didn't get for christmas busy enough.
put out the welcome mat and get killed for it.


I say we send them to the gulocks(sp?) in russia. i mean i dont care what happens to these people, they are the most dangerous people on earth. LOL well yesterday i was watching some Harry Potter movie with my daughter and guatanamo bay reminds me of that prison in the movie!!!


I got a better idea, put them all in some stadium, and set up protective glass, and have gladiator fights and stuff, i would pay to get see it, and im talking like 10 grand.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by dogfaceman
I got a better idea, put them all in some stadium, and set up protective glass, and have gladiator fights and stuff, i would pay to get see it, and im talking like 10 grand.

Now we are Rome..............great.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Now we are Rome..............great.
why would we be in rome, gladiator events werent only exclusive to rome anyways these people will probably be let free if they go to italy, because the pope will go, oh god will forgive them, so let them go. christianity is one messed up religion (i mean hating the jews? why would you hate what your religion is based off of?)
MOD EDIT. Quit the personal attacks

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by dogfaceman
why would we be in rome, gladiator events werent only exclusive to rome, do some research . anyways these people will probably be let free if they go to italy, because the pope will go, oh god will forgive them, so let them go. christianity is one messed up religion (i mean hating the jews? why would you hate what your religion is based off of?)
Glad to see you can hold an adult conversation without resorting to name calling and such.
Maybe if you had stopped to think you might have saw what I was implying.....sometimes I expect to much I guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dogfaceman
why would we be in rome, gladiator events werent only exclusive to rome, do some research . anyways these people will probably be let free if they go to italy, because the pope will go, oh god will forgive them, so let them go. christianity is one messed up religion (i mean hating the jews? why would you hate what your religion is based off of?)