I was at work at the Naval Air Station in Ft. Worth. A co-worker and I were in the back shop, discussing trivial things (probably sports) and troubleshooting any maintenance problems that may have come our way-just another day. We had the radio going as usual and suddenly, around 9:50 or so
the disc jockey interrupts in the middle of a song. He apparantly had MSNBC on and said that a plane flew into the WTC. I had an image of a Cessna Skylane stuck in the side of the building, as he did not identify the size, model or make of the aircraft. "Wow" I thought. "That's not good", but I was not that concerned. My co-worker looked at me and said "terrorists". "Naw" I replied. "Do you think?" As that possibility started to raise a little panic in me, I continued to hold onto (hope is more like it) that it was a Cessna flown by some WASP who had a heart attack at the controls. I briefly recalled thinking that I had heard NYC was restricted air space but quickly dismissed that. Then, a little after ten when the other tower was attacked, I sickly realized we had a BIG problem. Then the chaos struck. Missing aircraft, shot down
aircraft, crashed aircraft, jet crashed into the pentagon. The rumours were wild. It was surreal. I've had alot of bad days in my life ranging from being carted to emergency in an ambulance, to being thrown in jail to the suicide of a close family member, but nothing, NOTHING compared to September 11, 2001. The worst day I have ever been a witness to. And sometimes I wish I wasn't alive reliving it over and over again.