Cranberry - thanks. Like you, I'm against posting pics on forums and such. Privacy, insecurities so on and so forth but this site embraced me with open arms and I was very comfortable posting up pics and sharing my grief and my life. I have made personal friends with many of the members here and I'm glad to be a part of such a loving group.
As Jeff said earlier and I don't mind of course, I'm from South Korea. I came here when I was very young though so I bleed bit more red white and blue lol.
snake - I used to go to biloxi to gamble when I used to gamble and when hurricane Katrina came, I went to volunteer over there with walgreens Rx team and set up satellite drug administering system and food and water distribution. Very nice place and I was really upset how much damage it took. If you are there, how is it now? Is everything better now?
Keith - I'm waiting more pics from your vacation buddy! How is coral doing btw? Say hello to paidey for me as well.
Phil - I concur.