Who Lives In Pa ???


I usually go to That Pet Place in Lancaster or order a lot of stuff off of SWF.com, but I'm excited about being able to go somewhere else. I might have to take a drive next weekend - thanks for the directions.


Active Member
everyone really needs to sign up in our local reef clubs.. we can really use new faces and new frags out there, its alot of fun!


Active Member
Originally Posted by turbo21
i am from pittsburgh, usually shop at wet pets and atlantis, both are awesome to deal with
what area area of pittsburgh are you from and also were is wet pets and is atlantis in south hills


i live in baldwin, atlantis is on rt 51 about 5 miles from century 3 mall,
wet pets is on rt 19 in mcmurray about 7 miles from south hills village


New Member
hey folks new to this site. great pic of some of your tanks. just started up a 45 gallon. so far so good.


Just a heads up, The Hidden Reef is about to reopen after their fire. The new location is in lower bucks in levittown. The drygoods portion of the store has already opened and the livestock will be up by May.


Active Member
everyone in p.a im selling alot of stuff.. alot of fish, my tanks, live rock etc. etc. if you want to check the details out go to the NCPARS forum on -- and check out everythign i have listed, i also have most of it on fragswapper


Active Member
Originally Posted by mindelina13
another pittsburgh person here. I also like seahorse on route 8. :cheer:
I like the display and selection but donot like the addvice or the ownership or employees at seahorse. plus they are way over priced but no matter what LFS I go to seems there is always something wrong