Who will win the Super Bowl?


It is truly....truly painful for me to post on this thread.....I am from Cleveland....yes a dedicated Cleveland Browns fan....who has gone through more upsets, letdowns, beer bottles, and that oh so thin string of hope us Cleveland fans try so hard to uphold....haha...Yeah I know the Browns blow...but we're getting a little better this year...no superbowl for us...and for the Steelers fans....U know the rivalry...I'm not gonna hate on the Steelers fans...but Steelers aren't going to the superbowl....it's gonna be Pats and Cowboys....actually...it doesn't matter who the Pats play....their probally gonna win....AGAIn....and it infuriates me....

They remind me of the Yankees....because their such a dominating team....but I am sick of seeing them!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DanielJameS
It is truly....truly painful for me to post on this thread.....I am from Cleveland....yes a dedicated Cleveland Browns fan....who has gone through more upsets, letdowns, beer bottles, and that oh so thin string of hope us Cleveland fans try so hard to uphold....haha...Yeah I know the Browns blow...but we're getting a little better this year...no superbowl for us...and for the Steelers fans....U know the rivalry...I'm not gonna hate on the Steelers fans...but Steelers aren't going to the superbowl....it's gonna be Pats and Cowboys....actually...it doesn't matter who the Pats play....their probally gonna win....AGAIn....and it infuriates me....

They remind me of the Yankees....because their such a dominating team....but I am sick of seeing them!
Thank you for what you said about the Patriots, finally someone sees how dominate they are. And I still think that its going to be the Patriots and the Packers and the Patriots will win and get their revenge on the packers from that superbowl in the 1990s
And about the Yankees? when was the last time they won? 2000? The red sox won twice between 2000 and now, the Red Sox are the new dominating team in baseball


Yeah but you know what i'm saying about the Yankees....it's not about them winning the series.....it's about hmmmmm....who's in the playoffs this year....Yankees....nawwwwwwww haha....I'm not hating on the Yankees...I got good friends from NYC....I'm just sick of hearing about them....theres so many people out there sportscasters, fans, what have you that are so partial to the yankees (for obvious reasons..)
As for the Pats.....everyone hates you when your on top...they wanna see you fall....but the Pats have a very good, structured all around team with good coaching, key players, and discipline. They follow a core, their humble, and like someone said earlier...they just go out and play football. I can't talk too negatively about the Pats untill another team steps up with the integrity and drive to take it from them year after year.....too many end zone dances, stupid penalties, and flaming ego's in the NFL....Pats have learned to put this all aside.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DanielJameS
Yeah but you know what i'm saying about the Yankees....it's not about them winning the series.....it's about hmmmmm....who's in the playoffs this year....Yankees....nawwwwwwww haha....I'm not hating on the Yankees...I got good friends from NYC....I'm just sick of hearing about them....theres so many people out there sportscasters, fans, what have you that are so partial to the yankees (for obvious reasons..)
As for the Pats.....everyone hates you when your on top...they wanna see you fall....but the Pats have a very good, structured all around team with good coaching, key players, and discipline. They follow a core, their humble, and like someone said earlier...they just go out and play football. I can't talk too negatively about the Pats untill another team steps up with the integrity and drive to take it from them year after year.....too many end zone dances, stupid penalties, and flaming ego's in the NFL....Pats have learned to put this all aside.
They do play some precise football, the problem with the yanks, is they don't have baseball players, (except for Jeter) the other guys are there to collect a check. And that is when a less talented team is going to beat you. Like the song from the "Damned Yankees." You've got to have heart.


Active Member
Don't give up on Cleveland yet...
To all you Patriot fans, I'm sure you are watching the game... It's a win-win situation for me since either Baltimore or New England is going to lose.


Cleveland sure messed the cowboys over. i sure was thinkin we were gettin Mcfadden
now this is strechin it but iam thinkin limas sweed would look good with a star on his helmet


Active Member
Originally Posted by flpriest
It's football dude... If you want to talk about class, I don't see any of the Patriots dancing in the end zone after touchdowns, and it looks like they could have done it A LOT! They don't trash talk... They just go out and play ball.
You mean like the idiot talking trash to the Ravens coach tonight? Of course a coach with a little class would bench a player for a stunt like that but we are talking about the Patriots, the guy probably got a bonus


Active Member
was funny to see him give it back to the player though.
i'm really ticked off at that guy that threw the flag into the croud... had he not cost 30 yards of penalties, who knows if that last hail mary would have been in the endzone instead of 2 yards infront of it. i would have loved to go into work today with the knowledge that the pats finally got beaten.
people at work are going to say the pats stink again though. true die hard fans (ya right) that unless the pats win by 40 points think they are the worst team in football. it gets disgusting to hear them talk. i just hope they go undefeated until the giants game :)


Originally Posted by reefraff
You mean like the idiot talking trash to the Ravens coach tonight? Of course a coach with a little class would bench a player for a stunt like that but we are talking about the Patriots, the guy probably got a bonus

If he were on a couple of the other teams, he problably would have...


Active Member
oh please, he'll get a bonus, especially since they won. if they didnt, then maybe he'd have gotten in trouble.
i don't hate the patriots, just their fans :p


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
oh please, he'll get a bonus, especially since they won. if they didnt, then maybe he'd have gotten in trouble.
i don't hate the patriots, just their fans :p
At least they have lost their air of invincability.


Active Member
yea, but now the patriots are the worst team in the world, they are horrible, they are such a bad team, blah blah blah. whoopdidooo, they almost got beaten twice!


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
they almost got beaten twice!
yeah but even great teams have bad days...dont get me wrong...im a 49er fan and my team lost 8 strait...we are now 3-9 for the season...


Dont get me wrong, I believe the patriots are a really good team but if they want to go all the way they really need to work on three things.
1)Need to get some kind of a running game going now that its getting colder.It gets awful hard to catch so many passes when its cold out.
2)Stop the run better. Mcgahee had his best game of the year rushing wise against the 'best' team in the nfl. The colts were able to use addai to control the clock, the cowboys used the run against them, and westbrook was a big part of the eagles game plan to slow them down and pound on them.
3) Finally, now that the pats has faced some true blitzing teams(eagles, ravens) their offensive line looks kind of suspect. Two games now brady hasn't been near as sharp because of the pressure on him. I wonder how they will hold up this weekend against the steelers who bltiz just as much and play a very physical smashmouth running game?


Active Member
Originally Posted by natemd
Dont get me wrong, I believe the patriots are a really good team but if they want to go all the way they really need to work on three things.
1)Need to get some kind of a running game going now that its getting colder.It gets awful hard to catch so many passes when its cold out.
2)Stop the run better. Mcgahee had his best game of the year rushing wise against the 'best' team in the nfl. The colts were able to use addai to control the clock, the cowboys used the run against them, and westbrook was a big part of the eagles game plan to slow them down and pound on them.
3) Finally, now that the pats has faced some true blitzing teams(eagles, ravens) their offensive line looks kind of suspect. Two games now brady hasn't been near as sharp because of the pressure on him. I wonder how they will hold up this weekend against the steelers who bltiz just as much and play a very physical smashmouth running game?

1. its not that their running game is bad, its just they dont call any runs
2. there is no need for quotes around best, i really dont think anybody can make a strong case against it, they are the best as far as i can tell
3. i think thier offensive line is in the top 5 in the league, i think the night games and the short weeks are taking a toll on the whole team, escially the O line. they give tom brady so much time to throw, i think they deserve credit for the teams and tom bradys sucess
Good teams find a way to win, they the pats find a way to win, this week with a little luck. like i heard some1 on ESPN say, luck is better the skill sometimes


Look lets get it strait the cowboys will face the pats in the super bowl pats will win. The cowboys suck. In the superbowl it will be 58-0 pats in the bowl game. The pats went 16-0 and the cowboys go 13-3 haha