while females may bring in less money, we do generate only 23% less income than men... statistically speaking from the census bureau itself (
http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/...th/007419.html )
Real median earnings of males age 15 and older who worked full-time, year-round declined 1.8 percent between 2004 and 2005, to $41,386. Women with similar work experience saw their earnings decline by 1.3 percent, to $31,858. (The difference between the rates of decrease for men and women was not statistically significant.)
The ratio of female-to-male earnings for full-time, year-round workers was 77 cents on the dollar in 2005, statistically unchanged from 2004.
the average median income for a man was $41k while the average median income for a woman was $31k
and according to the united nations statistics (
http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/SeriesDetail.aspx?srid=722 ), female share of the main wage earner in the united states in 2004 was 48.5%... that means that in 48.5% of the households in america (non-agrictultural) the main wage earner was female. That was 2 years ago. Now i know you men think you're all high and mighty, but women are coming up fast. While you may make more $$$, we are the main wage earner in nearly half of the united states households (probably half now). So while you think you may work more, you are sadly mistaken. We manage to be the main wage earner in 1/2 of households AND we make less money... what does that say? and it's only a matter of time that women will be the main wage earner because we are smarter... and we have boobs.