Who's cooler, girls or boys?


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
yer lucky. it's still hot out here. my car's black exterior and black leather ********.

hate winter.............I know all about black leather seats. Try 'em July and August in STL when its about 102 :scared: makes for scortched thighs


while females may bring in less money, we do generate only 23% less income than men... statistically speaking from the census bureau itself (http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/...th/007419.html )
Real median earnings of males age 15 and older who worked full-time, year-round declined 1.8 percent between 2004 and 2005, to $41,386. Women with similar work experience saw their earnings decline by 1.3 percent, to $31,858. (The difference between the rates of decrease for men and women was not statistically significant.)
The ratio of female-to-male earnings for full-time, year-round workers was 77 cents on the dollar in 2005, statistically unchanged from 2004.
the average median income for a man was $41k while the average median income for a woman was $31k
and according to the united nations statistics ( http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/SeriesDetail.aspx?srid=722 ), female share of the main wage earner in the united states in 2004 was 48.5%... that means that in 48.5% of the households in america (non-agrictultural) the main wage earner was female. That was 2 years ago. Now i know you men think you're all high and mighty, but women are coming up fast. While you may make more $$$, we are the main wage earner in nearly half of the united states households (probably half now). So while you think you may work more, you are sadly mistaken. We manage to be the main wage earner in 1/2 of households AND we make less money... what does that say? and it's only a matter of time that women will be the main wage earner because we are smarter... and we have boobs.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
we have boobs.
ladies and gentlemen, the ONLY valid case in that entire shpeel!


take note that your first link references REAL MEDIAN EARNINGS where as your 2nd link refers only to WAGE EMPLOYMENT earnings. as we all know, wage earning employment generally constitutes the lower-paying jobs (with an exception to construction related fields) than salary & commission-based fields.
so you're 77 cents to $1 on total earnings, yet your percentage is higher (nearly equal to men) on the scale with the lower paying jobs. which basically means that women are better at making less money. and as far as the whole "coming up fast" arguement. well you've managed to go from 60.7 cents to the $1 back in 1960 all the way up to 77 cents in a mere 46 years later! not too quick there ladies. especially considering that it wasn't a general rising trend since you hovered around the 50 cent range all throughout the 70s.
see we don't think we're high & mighty. we look at facts. the facts may APPEAR high in mighty but that's one's own interpretation. numbers don't lie and they carry no opinion. you all just cling to hope and emotion. we cling to logic.


uhhhh... your point was that men support almost all of the households in the US, which is why you're better. My point was that while men make more money than women (by only 23%), women still manage to be the main wage earner in 1/2 of the us households... That says tons about us... that we can make less and support a household... and the only reason we make less is because of sexist pigs like you that think that men can do a better job!!!


here's exactly what i said:
Originally Posted by soto
most households involve the man bringing home the majority of $$.
nowhere is there anything indicated above about men supporting ALL of the households. so you're point just validated what i already claimed. and saying that women don't make as much as men because men are sexist is a cheap copout. this is America. you can do what you want to.


yeah, which is why we work... we can't however force our sexist pig bosses into paying us more, now can we?
and your "most households" secures my point that only 1/2 of the households involve the man bringing home the majority of the money, and that your information was incorrect.


and i didn't say "ALL" of the households.. this is what i like to call selective reading...
yet another fault of men... wow, they just keep flying in!


you said 'almost all' which gears towards something being around 95-99%. i had initially said simply 'most'- which is a very general term that can be anywhere from 51-99%
since you "selectively read" and interpreted the word MOST to mean ALMOST ALL, you decided to find a statistic that agrees with what i claimed but disagrees with what you interpreted.
if you would stop aiming the gun at your feet and towards ME then you might make some progress here. or at least you'd be off to a good start....


ok, we were both wrong!
ugh, this is getting boring now... we win, and i'm done.


1. Parallel parking
2. We ALWAYS have "something to wear"
3. Jar lids
4. Spiders
5. The adjusting the package argument is crap, how many times do you see a woman adjust a bra...all the time. Not to mention if there's a tube top involved.
6. 1 pair of black shoes is plenty.
7. 1 wallet is plenty.
8. If something is on sale and we don't need it...we don't buy it.
9. Phone calls: 2 minutes tops. Long distance, shorter.
10. "Dating" more than one person at a time. Men: Congrats. Women: Slut.


Soto, why are you debating this with someone born in the 80's?
jdragunas, my wife would tell you that you are wrong and we run a very equal household, even our incomes are equal.
And all this talk of men making women paint their faces and starve themselves is a crock! Proof you ask? Look at Marilyn Monroe. Men take what we are given, if you ladies don't like the current trend, write a letter to the female publishers of every fashion magazine out there.
My vote goes to the Women. 100% of the time, I will choose to look at the

woman over the


End of this thread unless any of you men want to argue my point. :thinking:


Originally Posted by PiscesBlue
My vote goes to the Women. 100% of the time, I will choose to look at the

woman over the

A valid point, but who makes those women

? Guys. There, we win and we also get
