Who's cooler, northerners or southerners?



Hehehe, using Jcrim's other thread as guidance, i thought this would be a fun "smack down" thread on people from the north and people from the south.
Northerners are so much better than southerners. First of all, we have real winters and winter sports... southern winter sports consist of mud diving and beer drinking contests. Northerners also don't have those stupid accents, what's that all about??? Southerners are all hillbillies, and i'm actually suprised that any of you can work a computer, much less put your thoughts into words and convey them on these posts...
Any of you southerners (who are capable), please, let's see what you got!!!!
P.S. this thread is not intended to offend anyone or hurt any feelings. I used to live in the south and i love the southern way! But the other thread was so stinkin fun, i thought this would be a good topic!!! Have fun!!!

darth tang

Active Member
I live in the southwest. I personally think southerners and northerners are lacking. You think chile is only spelled "chili" without realizing what true chile is..


I'm with you jdrag... who the hell eats grits anyway!!! Hash browns are supposed to be served with omelettes.

BTW, anyone that doesn't like winter doesn't appreciate the true indoor activities. To all those who complain about the cold weather, there's nothing better than a cozy evening, snow falling outside with a fire in the fireplace and a little ...


Active Member
The obvious answer is Northerners (with the exception of Packers fans). Did you know in certain parts of the South, making another man squeal like a pig is considered a work of Art and making one eyed, three toed, blue skinned babies is an old family tradition? Also, I don’t care how well Colonel Sanders is dressed on all those fancy billboards, KFC is not fine dinning. Also, what you call “Troubled Times” we call the Civil Rights. Need I go on?

darth tang

Active Member
I think Northerners have a mental diffenciency or something. How else can you explain the need to place a shed on a frozen lake and drill a hole just to fish. And then use the excuse it is fun when you are drunk.


darth, how do you always manage to argue a side that isn't even an option!!!


By the way, these threads are destroying my business. How can I get any work done when I'm just sitting here waiting for the next good rip.


This is ridiculous.
We are Americans and we are cool...Northern or Southern, Eastern or Western


lmao!!! me too, i was actually just thinking that!!!

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
darth, how do you always manage to argue a side that isn't even an option!!!
Becuase my cerebral cortex isn't frozen solid like northerners and my dna strand hasn't been corrupted so much I am the drooling cousin of my dad, like the southerners.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
This is ridiculous.
We are Americans and we are cool...Northern or Southern, Eastern or Western
I think France might disagree with that...lol


Active Member
Northerners are cooler simply because of their distance from the equator
. . . . . .I'm sorry was this some sort of trick question?


Active Member
California has the best plastic surgeons!!
The Stars flock here to party, get marries (NAPA VALLEY!!!! Christain A.)
We have the best Spas!!
We drive faster than anyone cause if you are going 80 you better be in the slow lane!!!
Of COURSE on TOP of that I am in NORTHERN California!!!!
SAN QUENTIN home to a lot of the most notroious killers!!

SAN FRANCISCO do I really need to say anything more........
Don't make me pimp slap anyone

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
We drive faster than anyone cause if you are going 80 you better be in the slow lane!!!

Last time I was on an L.A. freeway I could only do 10 miles an hour. What are you talking about?
Oh, and california is so much better? A 40,000 dollar a year income in Califonia is the equivalent of a 12,000 dollar a year income here. Your housing is ridiculously priced.
The only thing about California is it has an ocean............which it may soon become part of due to your earthquakes and mudslides. Sorry, The ground is not suppossed to move. I do not wish to live somewhere that I have to worry about my own house falling on me. If I wanted that I would ask Dorthy for directions to OZ.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Becuase my cerebral cortex isn't frozen solid like northerners and my dna strand hasn't been corrupted so much I am the drooling cousin of my dad, like the southerners.
Does this mean that you are a New Englander like me??? We're in our own special place....

Driving to the store is an adventure in its self (Weather it be driving great distances or worried about other drivers) :jumping:
And of course you have Dunkin Dounuts... THE BEST COFFEE IN AMERICA!!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Last time I was on an L.A. freeway I could only do 10 miles an hour. What are you talking about?
Oh, and california is so much better? A 40,000 dollar a year income in Califonia is the equivalent of a 12,000 dollar a year income here. Your housing is ridiculously priced.
The only thing about California is it has an ocean............which it may soon become part of due to your earthquakes and mudslides. Sorry, The ground is not suppossed to move. I do not wish to live somewhere that I have to worry about my own house falling on me. If I wanted that I would ask Dorthy for directions to OZ.

Hurricanes and Tornadoes Darth.............ahhhh got your own naturals disasters!!!
Again look where I said I was from....
L.A. down South.
Houses and cars aren't supposed to flyeither (and wasn't there a movie that showed a cow flying around??????) but they do in the south..........
These are just some of the things that make you go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :notsure:


hurricanes and tornadoes... that reminds me, i have the dumbest therapist ever!!! Yesterday she asked me "are hurricanes worse than tornados?" that's the second visit i've had with her, and the LAST... how can you see a therapist who doesn't even know that??? You figure that if they go through school, they'd at least know the difference b/t hurricanes and tornados!!!!!! GRRRR!!!!
back to the topic,
northerners are way awesome... we won the civil war!!!


Have you people never left the town you in?!?!?
If you had you'd have figured it out by now that the coolest area...is where ever I am.

The north sucks BECAUSE of the real winters, the south sucks because of the grits, but when both sides are put together...we make a wonderful country!!
Pretty cheezy eh?