Who's cooler, northerners or southerners?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nolesfan06
if the north is so much cooler then why do half of them go south from November-March?

Plus if I went fishing i'd rather be in 80-85 degree water with a t-shirt rather then freezin cold atlantic or pacific waters with a jacket. well i dont really know about the pacific but i heard it was cold.

The south rules!

Its really quite simple. BECAUSE YOUR A WHIMP!! Just kidding. I cant imagine christmas without snow. Christmas just wouldnt be the same. There's nothing like some good time with your friends and family sitting by the fireplace.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Its really quite simple. BECAUSE YOUR A WHIMP!! Just kidding. I cant imagine christmas without snow. Christmas just wouldnt be the same. There's nothing like some good time with your friends and family sitting by the fireplace.

Nothing beats sitting on the beach drinking margaritas enjoying the clam bake for Xmas!!


Active Member
I have to hand that one to you.....but cars in parts and on blocks is a status symbol in the south for some folks.........


Active Member
Yea, but you yankees really ove grits, but hate to admit it. But the way you eat them is like eating hot breakfast cereal.all covered in sugar and milk in a bowl with spoon..Southerners eat em with butter, salt and pepper and a fork. If I had to eat grits that way myself with milk as a cereal I would probably hate em as well.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
. I cant imagine christmas without snow

thats all I can imagine. Beach, warmth, water, wine,

Its about 20 right now and wind chill is miserable today.

grits w/butter salt and pepper
griits w/sugar and milk
grits and black eyed peas


Active Member
enjoying the sun and the no big ole parka that you all have to wear!!!!!
I like walking to my truck, not snow shoeing to my truck!!! (my truck actually runs too it isn't on blocks!!)
AND guess what, we can have fires too but we don't need them to keep us warm!!!!
siiiiiiippppppppppppp ahhhhhhhh that maragarita totally hits the spot!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
no salt..........

How about an apple magarita.....with thinly sliced green apples along the rim.........ON THE ROCKS!!
Maybe we get the folks who are dealing with the ICE and snow can send us some over!!


Active Member
Hey, I got about 10 inches of snow. I would be willing to bag some and ship it! LOL. Would probably make a good frozen margarita....shhhhhh. LOL. Just once.


Active Member
Hate 2 break it 2 ya clown, but ur considered a northerner.
You just called yourself a "sukka." (as u put it)


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
How about an apple magarita.....with thinly sliced green apples along the rim.........ON THE ROCKS!!
Maybe we get the folks who are dealing with the ICE and snow can send us some over!!
I would be willing to give u some of my 10 inches of snow! You want ice too? I got icicles to the point that they could actually kill me. And, my job tomorrow is to knock them off the house, so if I dont make it, please take my pit bull and my tank.


Active Member
At least us northerners dont have that annoying accent. Kidding there, I like people with different accents. There's a russian kid at my school, who is taking ESL (english as a second language) and sometimes I talk to him, and he speaks SOME english but u cant understand him well and other times he speaks in Russian and I wonder what he is saying to me. LOL. Also, us northerners MAKE your cars. Oh, sorry, a car is this thing that drives on a road. Oh, sorry again, a road is asphalt. OH CRAP. You dont know what that is either. My bad. Proceed.
I LOVE this thread. Good idea Jenn!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
At least us northerners dont have that annoying accent. Kidding there, I like people with different accents. There's a russian kid at my school, who is taking ESL (english as a second language) and sometimes I talk to him, and he speaks SOME english but u cant understand him well and other times he speaks in Russian and I wonder what he is saying to me. LOL. Also, us northerners MAKE your cars. Oh, sorry, a car is this thing that drives on a road. Oh, sorry again, a road is asphalt. OH CRAP. You dont know what that is either. My bad. Proceed.
I LOVE this thread. Good idea Jenn!!!!

What the heck!!!
You all don't even drive your cars!! You post them up in your front yard!!!
No wonder my car is a piece of CRAP it is made by a Southener!!!!!
Have to get me a car from another country!!!

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
What the heck!!!
You all don't even drive your cars!! You post them up in your front yard!!!
No wonder my car is a piece of CRAP it is made by a Southener!!!!!
Have to get me a car from another country!!!
Space Geek is a northerner. Typical Californian female.....must be preoccuppied with your next surgery.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Space Geek is a northerner. Typical Californian female.....must be preoccuppied with your next surgery.

I have never had plastic surgery!!!!!
well not yet anyways................
and i will deny it when i do get it done..............................


Staff member
Originally Posted by hoghead
Thousands of AMERICANS died in a war over racism---NOBODY WON THE CIVIL WAR!!!

The North won the civil war, otherwise there would be no USA now [if the south had won]. And I would say that their were a good many "wins" as a result of the Civil War, including the win for black freedom.
Saying all that, I vote for the South being cool, since so many have such cool accents....lol

darth tang

Active Member
You know, that is a common misconception about the civil war I truly wish schools would stop teaching. The freedom for blacks was an after thought and effect. To be honest completely the war was because the southern states diodn't agree with the northern states on a GREAT MANY issues and the southern states wanted to leave the union. The war was over whether the states could leave or not.
Sure the slaves were granted their fredom, but in all actuality a good many of them were worse off for it and truly gained nothing untill the 1960's.


Staff member
I'd have to disagree. No matter the "motives" history is made by the "outcome". Blacks were freed, and even if some were in a worse situation, freedom, in and of itself, is worth the suffering. Since you support the Iraq war and freeing the Iraqi people, I'm sure you can understand my meaning. Many would say that the Iraqis are worse. History will tell if that war was worth it, just as it has with the Civil War.