Who's cooler, northerners or southerners?


Active Member
I'm a southener and loving it. I hate winter....anything below 70 time to get an eskimo jacket
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Some? Lions.....uh no
Tigers.....uh no
Pistons...ok one.
Now get back on the manufacturing line. That Ford you're working on is mine.

You forgot the BEST Michigan team!!!!!!!! REDWINGS :cheer: :cheer: HOCKEY RULES!!!!!!


Active Member
At least our accents make sense!
south-ain't=are not: y'all=you all
north- you's guys? Does it mean you is guys? then why do you use it to call someone?
Also, if we are so bad, then why do you spend so much money coming to OUR beaches?
* I do understand that this thread is for a laugh, same with this post, please take no offense to my small opinion, and weak try at a laugh.

my way

Active Member
I woke up to see that horrid white stuff outside today
If I take back my wife/cousin crack any chance you grit eaters( oh crap there I go again)Could blow a little warm air this way?


Active Member
What are you guys talking about making fun of southerners accents? Do you think that YOU northerners dont. New York accents are the most hilarious part of visiting New York. I would never live up north, people are just too dang rude. And you dont even have good food, i mean, NO BISCUITS & SWEET TEA?!!!!! What is that all about?
The thing i hate the most is all the snotty yankees and floridiots that come to NC for the mountains, rent out houses, and get mad when you fly by in your 4-wheeler. lol, i enjoy annoying them, its my favorite past time! The most aggravating thing is driving up the mountains behind a floridiot who has never seen a curve or hill in their life. They gun it on the straight aways and then slam on the brakes on a slope.
lol, fyi, its all in good fun, but true
PS, i dont really like grits that much


Active Member
another thing i hate, is when all the yanks at my school claim that they arent cold in 50 degree weather just because they are from up north. and everyone else has these huge jackets. its so funny. we get just enough snow to sled for 2 or 3 days, ride 4-wheelers in the snow. and then go mudding when it turns to slush.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
At least our vehicles are in one piece and not in parts, scattered all over the front yard as "decoration"...
we have 2 cars (all in one piece) and they stay in the garage
2005 mercedes and 2006 torrent, oh and my dads 04 police car.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
The thing i hate the most is all the snotty yankees and floridiots that come to NC for the mountains, rent out houses, and get mad when you fly by in your 4-wheeler. lol, i enjoy annoying them, its my favorite past time! The most aggravating thing is driving up the mountains behind a floridiot who has never seen a curve or hill in their life. They gun it on the straight aways and then slam on the brakes on a slope.
:hilarious OMG SOOOOOOOOO TRUE!!!!!!!!


I'm from CT and rather be living there,But some ppl can party down here,But i think VA is considered to be in the noth :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
You forgot the BEST Michigan team!!!!!!!! REDWINGS :cheer: :cheer: HOCKEY RULES!!!!!!
Dragonlady, where u at in Michigan?


Active Member
I would have to vote for the South.
When that couch is no longer comfortable in the living room because of the heat. They move it to the front porch. Got to be comfortable drinking moonshine over seeing the auto bone yard in front yard.
Another one.
A Northern girls says "you can". A southern girl says "ya'll can".


Active Member
Umm, ya... the South sucks..
We don't have our own homes, on our own acres of wooded property, in our low crime, down home, family friendly neighborhoods. (for under $200,000).
We don't have growing economies, and shrinking Unions and Democratic parties...
We certainly don't have miles of well built highways with nothing but common sense telling you not to do 120...
We certainly don't have the most beautiful women God ever created...
Now,please as a Texan, I'm begging you... please believe me and friggin QUIT INVADING US AGAIN! Your accents are annoying, your lack of manners is often found to be "justifiable Homicide" in juror deliberations, and frankly you could all stand to bathe more and drink less...
Stay up North! Nothing to see here, nothing at all...


Active Member
1journeyman- Thank you for speaking up. My God. Where do I begin? You know what? I'll leave this one alone. Sadly enough, it is obvious that there is something lacking in a person who chooses to take the time to TRY to rip on southerners... again. What are you overcompensating for??? I don't need to make you look bad, you do a fine job of that on your own.