Who's cooler, northerners or southerners?


Active Member
I was born n the north and lived there for 17 years, moved south and been here ever since. No way would I go back up north no matter how "cool" it may be. Y'all can have all that rusted out vehicles from the salt on the roads, high taxes, running full circles daily in the rat race life of having to drive ungodly miles to go to work (very common in lots of areas) freezing cold weather, snow sleet ice etc. Its a heck of a note to have to get up early just to dig your vehicle out of the snow, drive on ice and snow covered roads and have to find a spot or shovel a spot to park, get off work and have to shovel the carout to go home, get home and probably have to shovel the driveway to park, and have to repeat it for many months of the winter season. We still have yet to get a frost in my region..and I just finished cutting grass. We can deer hunt in T shirts and jeans most times, fish all year around without needing a shelter or ice auger, we get much better mileage as we do not have hills in this area as compared to having to drive up and down moutains etc to get where your going. Our biggest problem here is the new wave of carpet baggers.........thats those yankees than come south and stay ( just like I did back in 1971).....at least the canadians leave after a month or two......
And for a funny acent, evidently none of yu have listened to those folks living in the northeast or even the mid west.....Y'all just used to hearing it all the time, but take it from a former yankee, y'all have an accent just the same. So for me the north is a nice place to visit, but not live......been there done that, I just love the weather and attitude of the south better......

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
Hurricanes and Tornadoes Darth.............ahhhh got your own naturals disasters!!!
Again look where I said I was from....
L.A. down South.
Houses and cars aren't supposed to flyeither (and wasn't there a movie that showed a cow flying around??????) but they do in the south..........
These are just some of the things that make you go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :notsure:
Pay attention. Southwestern. New Mexico. We have three cities in the top five safest places to live for natural disasters. No tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, or mudslides.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Pay attention. Southwestern. New Mexico. We have three cities in the top five safest places to live for natural disasters. No tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, or mudslides.
Same with Michigan... and at least we have some good sports teams. :cheer:


Originally Posted by Thomas712
This is ridiculous.
We are Americans and we are cool...Northern or Southern, Eastern or Western

Amen to that Thomas.. I am a Northerner living in the south for 10 years now.. but weather in NY or in FL.. I think we are all cool...


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Y'all can have all that rusted out vehicles from the salt on the roads...
At least our vehicles are in one piece and not in parts, scattered all over the front yard as "decoration"...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Pay attention. Southwestern. New Mexico. We have three cities in the top five safest places to live for natural disasters. No tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, or mudslides.

Hey I don't have to pay attention cause you didn't either so

Ok that is the temp in New Mexico and you have tons of frickin POTATOE Bugs!!!!
What is that New Mexico's trade mark, potaote bugs?? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
At least our vehicles are in one piece and not in parts, scattered all over the front yard as "decoration"...

You know right now they have Xmas lights all over them!!!!!


Active Member
"Just decorate "around" the truck Jr."
"I don't care wha yer ma said" "She's just my stupid sister anyways!!!"

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Same with Michigan... and at least we have some good sports teams. :cheer:
Some? Lions.....uh no
Tigers.....uh no
Pistons...ok one.
Now get back on the manufacturing line. That Ford you're working on is mine.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Some? Lions.....uh no
Tigers.....uh no
Pistons...ok one.
Now get back on the manufacturing line. That Ford you're working on is mine.

Pistons, Red Wings (you've heard of hockey, right?), Michigan football, Michigan State basketball, etc.

We average 4 or 5 championship teams per decade. Do you guys even have any sports team?


i think in rodeos there aren't teams... just individuals...

my way

Active Member
Simple answer Northeastern dirt modifieds. And if you don't know what that means your definately not cool!
And as far as a nice cozy night in front of the fireplace, just remeber it all ends with freezing your butt of in the morning shoveling that white crap!
Give me warm weather and girls in shorts and bikini's over being bundled up anyday. But us northerners are way cooler!

Oh yeah this is the southern family tree....
Famous southern greeting" Have you met my wife/ cousin?"


Right now im sittin in 75 degree weather not worried about snow nor wakin up early for traffic problems. I'd take a person from the south rather than the north anyday of the week cuz we no how to get it done! plus we invented daisy dukes. nuff said


Active Member
Originally Posted by nolesfan06
Right now im sittin in 75 degree weather not worried about snow nor wakin up early for traffic problems. I'd take a person from the south rather than the north anyday of the week cuz we no how to get it done! plus we invented daisy dukes. nuff said

But it is the California HONEYS who were them the BEST!!!!


Active Member
Well, I'm right smack in the middle

I love grits.

hate winters

hate tornados (just had one last week :scared: )
but we are the home of Budweiser and the Cards, so we must be good being "in between"


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Pistons, Red Wings (you've heard of hockey, right?), Michigan football, Michigan State basketball, etc.

We average 4 or 5 championship teams per decade. Do you guys even have any sports team?

YEAH!!! Go Michigan football!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: (<-favorite part of the game) KIDDING. But you gotta love the smaller teams, like Central Michigan. My cousin is the reciever. YEAH!!!! But Michigan sports rule. "Them" (southerner talk) southerners better get "them" some REAL sports. Not to see how many times they can rock back and forth in their Georgia farmhouses in their rocking chairs on the front porch. Besides, President Bush was born in the south. :scared: "Them" southern republicans... :mad: lol. anyway, the point is that NORTHERNERS RULE!!!!


if the north is so much cooler then why do half of them go south from November-March?

Plus if I went fishing i'd rather be in 80-85 degree water with a t-shirt rather then freezin cold atlantic or pacific waters with a jacket. well i dont really know about the pacific but i heard it was cold.

The south rules!


New Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
hurricanes and tornadoes... that reminds me, i have the dumbest therapist ever!!! Yesterday she asked me "are hurricanes worse than tornados?" that's the second visit i've had with her, and the LAST... how can you see a therapist who doesn't even know that??? You figure that if they go through school, they'd at least know the difference b/t hurricanes and tornados!!!!!! GRRRR!!!!
back to the topic,
northerners are way awesome... we won the civil war!!!
Thousands of AMERICANS died in a war over racism---NOBODY WON THE CIVIL WAR!!!


Northerners are cooler, cause we can get snow days!!!!!!!!! Also since the only sport i play is ice hockey!
MY vote is north