Who's cooler, northerners or southerners?


Active Member
The biggest problem with California is it has too dang many Californians.
I have to go down to the OC to spend Christmas with my mom, NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THE TRAFFIC.


Active Member
California is going to sink into the ocean any day now. there's nothing on the wrong coast that can compare with the right coast, which would be the southeast. did I also mention our beaches? I know yankees have beaches, but they are reserved for the rich and it's too cold most of the time to enjoy them anyway. the south has beaches for everyone, and the avg yearly temperature is 70 degrees.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
well theres not gonna be anymore New Orleans food for a while now

low blow
low blow


Active Member
those crab cakes will be sorely missed
and i am sure the folks who go for the alligator are going to be