Who's cooler, reefers or fish only people and why?


Active Member
hahaha, FO will do that, there tanks dont really pull you back and go " hooooolycow!"...its more like .. " eh...its a fish tank.."
seriously if you can put a 50'' plasma in a 22 year olds house ..and a 125 reef in the SAME room...and people dont even notice the tv... you know you have a smoke'n hot tank.
ever had that with a FO...i think not!
even in duece bigalow ...the guys fish tank had fake corals ...
rock + fish = boring.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Jmick is not a FO, Darth is a seahorse fan, and myself-definately not an FO fan...
You didn't REALLY wanna go up against 3 anti FO's did you???
That wouldn't be smart... But considering your tank preference, I wouldn't be surprised...

was that directed at me? Because i'm on the reef side...


lol, thanks darth... she didnt' say who she was talking to, and it was right after my post... i was so confused!!! :notsure:
and just to clarify, i don't actually HAVE a reef tank, i just chose that side...

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
lol, thanks darth... she didnt' say who she was talking to, and it was right after my post... i was so confused!!! :notsure:
and just to clarify, i don't actually HAVE a reef tank, i just chose that side...

Probably a good thing. If you get confused by posts...a reef would probably knock you into a comma.
This thread is fun...lol


yeah it is!!!
and i'll bet you enjoy it... you get to be yourself. You know, always making fun of people and whatnot!

darth tang

Active Member
Yes, very rare I can let my sarcasm and harmless criticism fly without reprecussions here. Yet, I still find myself restraining. Don't want to actually hurt anyone you know.


well i grew up in a household with two rotten sisters, so you really can't possibly hurt me at all!!! I know it's all in fun, so if you want to let yourself out of the chains, feel free!


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I think he wants more attention. Lord knows his tank isn't garnishing any for him.
Maybe a little more attention... after all I am the youngest in my family. Everyone knows the youngests are the attention whores.
But let's be realistic here, isn't keeping seahorses and nothing else a little effeminate? Do you also have cabbage patch dolls to sleep with. A little too sensitive, especially for someone who has chosen to call himself "Darth Tang".
Not to make this personal, but hey it's all in good fun. In fact, if I ever saw you I'd be the first to buy you a Shirley Temple... light on the grenadine with a couple extra cherries, right?


Ugh, you're just mad because you don't have the finess to be able to maintain a seahorse tank. It would require you to think, which apparently is not your gift, or you don't have time because your attention prostitution takes it all up...
P.S. i created another smack down thread... hehehe

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Maybe a little more attention... after all I am the youngest in my family. Everyone knows the youngests are the attention whores.
But let's be realistic here, isn't keeping seahorses and nothing else a little effeminate? Do you also have cabbage patch dolls to sleep with. A little too sensitive, especially for someone who has chosen to call himself "Darth Tang".
Not to make this personal, but hey it's all in good fun. In fact, if I ever saw you I'd be the first to buy you a Shirley Temple... light on the grenadine with a couple extra cherries, right?
To be completely honest with you, I have an aggressive fish tank. But I found it mind numbing after a couple months compared to me seahorse/reef tank. You know, something about being able to create and maintain something that is difficult to do is fulfilling. I guess you like that empty husk of a thing you call life.
I guess your tank is more your speed. I mean come on, a person could drink a case of beer and three long Island Ice Teas and still have the required mind skills to maintain the tank.

darth tang

Active Member
While I am thinking about it, I will have your water with ice pre ordered. You know, since you like no color and depth.


Color and depth??? Every reefer who has argued about their wonderful colors is only talking about the FISH in their tanks
BTW, if reefers are so intelligent, why would they have chosen to call themselves "reefers"? I haven't argued with so many reefers since the pink floyd concert of '95. Jer you were probably there. :help:
I can't stop this...

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Color and depth??? Every reefer who has argued about their wonderful colors is only talking about the FISH in their tanks
BTW, if reefers are so intelligent, why would they have chosen to call themselves "reefers"? I haven't argued with so many reefers since the pink floyd concert of '95. Jer you were probably there. :help:
I can't stop this...
Now I see why you have a FO. You must be blind. Only the fish add color or depth to a reef? Corals, gorgonians, anenomes, sponges, mushrooms, all have more vibrant colors and you can have more than one. How many tangs of similar shape and color can you have? Oh yeah, one. How many Angels of similar size can you have? Oh yeah, one. I can have as many different colored mushroom as I can stack on in my tank. You are so limited.........But I guess the KISS (keep it simple stupid) theory is more your speed.
I also find it funny you had to actually argue with someone with an altered state of mind. I guess it fits with your requirements though. Equivilent brain functions and all.
I think you have had your head in your tank to much. You keep spewing fish crap all over.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I also find it funny you had to actually argue with someone with an altered state of mind. I guess it fits with your requirements though. Equivilent brain functions and all.
Actually most of the people I argue with do have an altered state of mind but someone's got to represent these guys, right?
I'll give you credit on your last line. It was funny even though it's pretty much as meaningless as your other posts. Let me try to keep my fish crap under control while your tanks are getting ready for their next crash.
BTW, it's December... isn't it time for you to hibernate until next May? Or at least until you can put your stormtrooper costume on and pull an allnighter for tickets to StarWars Episode 28. I hear that's a great place to meet women... or did they say wookies?


I believe it is a lost cause for you to insist on attacking every aspect of reefers yet still you have not given one ounce of evidence that FO's are better. So far though, you yourself have pointed out that reefers are more intelligent...
to keep such an environment takes intelligence
Therefore, let us teach you...reef tanks are better!!


Oh no, Tizzo... it may be a lost cause but don't play that game. To take a portion of a sentence to try to support your point is an old trick. Let me refresh your memory about the quote...
Originally Posted by jcrim
Some may argue that to keep such an environment takes intelligence... ha. To spend hours upon hours testing calcium, phosphates and other things I've never heard of just shows a lack of better things to do. Besides, the brightest people at my high school still didn't have dates to prom. :jumping:
Nice try... :thinking:


So then, are you saying that you do NOT think it takes intelligence to maintain a reef??