whos got some nice looking brain corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
WOW...is that its true color??? Very nice....
yeah, that pic made it look a little darker. in person its a little lighter green. more of a yellow green. the pic just darkens it a little.


I have a better pic than this, it's much more vibrant, but my camera has chicken grease in it right now (long story!) but here ya go:


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
I have a better pic than this, it's much more vibrant, but my camera has chicken grease in it right now (long story!) but here ya go:

nice! the colors on it look very cool to. i know that cameras do corals no justice unless its a real good camera.
i like the acans too...


Thanks :-D
My camera normally does well, but we had an accident at the dinner table and the camera should not have been there, and now, yeah, chicken grease! Who has chicken grease in a camera??


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Thanks :-D
My camera normally does well, but we had an accident at the dinner table and the camera should not have been there, and now, yeah, chicken grease! Who has chicken grease in a camera??

hahah you do my friend.
who has a expensive camera at a dinner table..


Originally Posted by bill109
hahah you do my friend.
who has a expensive camera at a dinner table..

LOL. Someone who has a 155G a 40G and a 14G in a 700sq foot apartment with no EIK, that's who!
We've been working on moving things over from our 40G to our 155G, so we've had the camera out and ready for use to take pics as we go along. Unfortunately the table is only about 5' from the tank, so the camera keeps getting set there, and then my husband hands me a hot bowl of potatoes that were roasted with chicken and, WHAM, camera ruined (almost got the laptop too)!
BTW, your brain coral is so vibrant, is that under actinic lighting only?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
LOL. Someone who has a 155G a 40G and a 14G in a 700sq foot apartment with no EIK, that's who!
We've been working on moving things over from our 40G to our 155G, so we've had the camera out and ready for use to take pics as we go along. Unfortunately the table is only about 5' from the tank, so the camera keeps getting set there, and then my husband hands me a hot bowl of potatoes that were roasted with chicken and, WHAM, camera ruined (almost got the laptop too)!
hahah sounds more like an aquarium than an apartment..

Originally Posted by BTLDreef

BTW, your brain coral is so vibrant, is that under actinic lighting only?
hhahaha... mayyyyyybeeeeeee
dont get me wrong. its still super bright with all 8 t-5's on lights on


Originally Posted by bill109
hahah sounds more like an aquarium than an apartment..

hhahaha... mayyyyyybeeeeeee
dont get me wrong. its still super bright with all 8 t-5's on lights on

LOL, yes my house is an aquarium. We also have a little terrier and a Bearded Dragon, so maybe it's more like a pet store? Put it this way, if I am ever completely smashed drunk, I should not walk around my apt, because I will without a doubt walk into a fish tank, dog bed, or lizards cage! Even waking up in the middle of the night is a challenge if I need to walk around! Needless to say, we have a cool apt, but won't be throwing any parties, LOL


Man! You guys are going to make me go to the store and buy a new camera tomorrow, and probably more coral!
I'll send you the bill


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Man! You guys are going to make me go to the store and buy a new camera tomorrow, and probably more coral!
I'll send you the bill

hahah. im afraid i have to say this..
buying coral is always a must but sending me the bill wont fly..

you gotta come to realize that when you buy coral look for the nice stuff! its pricey but worth the $. i dropped a good amount on my brain and the zoas. and they both look sweet.
the aussie brain.. wow what cani say?
the green is he most intense i have seen.
i have also heard that the red brains are more expensive and rare..


Originally Posted by bill109
hahah. im afraid i have to say this..
buying coral is always a must but sending me the bill wont fly..

you gotta come to realize that when you buy coral look for the nice stuff! its pricey but worth the $. i dropped a good amount on my brain and the zoas. and they both look sweet.
the aussie brain.. wow what cani say?
the green is he most intense i have seen.
i have also heard that the red brains are more expensive and rare..

LOL! I spent a lot on my brain as well. I just wish I could get a pic that would do my wallet the justice,

That aussie is really nice!


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
LOL! I spent a lot on my brain as well. I just wish I could get a pic that would do my wallet the justice,

That aussie is really nice!
hahaha. i like that. there are a lot of corals that wont do your wallet justice.
the brain happens to be one of them.
its to bad some never look the same when you get them home because your lfs has some crazy actinics..


Active Member
Thanks! Yea, it seems like the reds, top shelf Aussies at least, are pricier for reds.
I have two more pieces of eye candy fer ya . One brain, and that would could qualify as a 'moon brain'
My Aussie Favia (which is no longer with us

Top Down

And my other brain (Lobophyllia
, the one in my first post is a Trachyphyllia
), which almost met it's demise, fell face down on some polyps
, but it seems to be making a decent recovery. Pic was taken when in full health.


Originally Posted by bill109
hahaha. i like that. there are a lot of corals that wont do your wallet justice.
the brain happens to be one of them.
its to bad some never look the same when you get them home because your lfs has some crazy actinics..

truer words could not have been spoken! I refuse to buy anything from one of the LFS's by me because I'm convinced they "spike" the water with something for the corals to look so good, lol. Everything I buy from them looks like garbage once I put it in my tank, and usually ends up dying. Luckily I live on Long Island, outside of NYC, and have a ton of LFS's to choose from.


That favia is beautiful!
Thank goodness my husband is asleep right now or I'd be looking all over the internet for one just like that! I forgot I have a favia too and another rare brain, I'll find pictures in the morning.