Why can't I keep a cleaner shrimp?


I don't understand it...the first time I bought one...I acclimated for over 2 hours. It molted right when I added it to the tank and died almost instantaniously. I attribute this to the molt/acclimation shock.
C.S. number two was acclimated shorter...(as I dumbly listned to advice of LFS employee) Was laying dead the next day on the sand.
Third attempt looked to be a success...acclimated properly, was doing well for a few days. Interestingly enough...number 3 disappeared...vanished! Gone....no trace of remains, no antennas, no trace in overflow box...at first I thought it was hiding after molt....it's been weeks and no sign.
I have asked opinions on this and have been told my Coral Banded shrimp may be the culpret..Is this true? Is it possible for the C.B.S. to consume the entire cleaner? I don't think the crabs could have got to him and his remains over night....any thoughts?
Does anyone know where I can get detailed instructions specifically on cleaner shrimp acclimation/tips/tricks...I desperately want to keep this animal I think their amazing to watch....
S.G. - 1.025-1.026
Temp - 79
Amm - 0
Trite - 0
Trate - 0
Ph - 8.2
my tank is also "semi reef" (a couple softies) so I suppliment iodide, calcium, alk, mag, and stron (seachem) and DT's for corals..I would think my water conditions are acceptable for this animal...Im at a loss??


cleaner shrimp need drip acclimated, so there goes your first two.
as for the last one: what fish are in the tank? did you drip acclimate this one? it's also possible you got an already stressed shrimp from the lfs.


Pair of clowns
Diamond Goby
Lawnmower Blenny
Yellow Tang
C.B. shrimp
Oh man I forgot about the C.C. starfish! Could that have done it? That doesn't seem practical...cleaner shrimp are fast....?? I don't know


should be safe will all fish and the sea star. how did you acclimate this one?


Originally Posted by NEreef
cleaner shrimp need drip acclimated, so there goes your first two.
as for the last one: what fish are in the tank? did you drip acclimate this one? it's also possible you got an already stressed shrimp from the lfs.
i disagree, i added cups of water from my dt to foam SWF.COM box for about an hour and then dumped my cleaner shrimp in my DT and its been fine ever since. i also have great water quality. maybe i lucky but ive done this with corals, my pepermint shrimp, fish, etc.
only my brittle star died by acclimating this way :(


Active Member
I also have a problem w/cleaner shrimp and I don't know why. I can keep fire shrimp but not cleaners for some reason. They usually live a few months and then die.


Active Member
I couldn't keep mine for longer than a month but I haven't tried since. Have you ever used copper in your tank? Did you buy it new or used? What is your pH before and after lights on/off?


Active Member
I lost 5 before ever figuring it out. Are you testing both your DT water as well as your bag/acclimate water? They need to match almost identical in everything, especially SG and temp. Shrimp are very delicate to any change. They all 3 probably died from acclimation shock, but on the third one, yes it is possible for your cleanup crew to devour him overnight. Usually you would still see part of a shell or antenea, but it's possible that there was nothing left.


do you test for copper? (should be ok with all the corals you keep but never hurts to try)
Have you lost other inverts in the same way, or only shrimp?
I've read CB Shrimp do not like/tolerate other shrimp in a small tank.


Tank is 40g.....as for acclimation....I drip acclimated in a bucket....probally about 2 hours...like I said it seemed fine for a while...but just dissapeared....
I tried turning off main light on the third one...(just left actnics on) to hopefully reduce shock...no luck...from what I have read in the last few days it sounds like cleaner shrimp are just hit or miss...I did check bag water vs. DT water....and 2 of the last 3 shrimp i've bought matched identically(or as close as possible) purchased from a huuugge reputable fish store that specializes strictly in saltwater fish and reef aquariums...so I know they were healthy/un-stressed....
I guess I could keep trying...but it's an expensive gamble....I might as well go to vegas...I'd have better odds!!


I had a CS in with a CBS for about a month and then one day the CS was gone looked in the CBS hole and there it was half gone.
They were always fighting..
Mine were in a 48gal.


I don't use iodine...I use iodide (seachem) which is supposedly safter...but neccesary for proper molting in shrimp...Am I wrong here?
Also...no copper....this was a new tank when purchased....I have crabs, snails, zoos, star polyps and C.B. shrimp all fine....so if there was copper...I highly doubt they'd still be alive

bang guy

Originally Posted by DanielJameS
I don't use iodine...I use iodide (seachem) which is supposedly safter...but neccesary for proper molting in shrimp...Am I wrong here?
Iodide is an ion of Iodine. It is safer than Iodate or molecular Iodine for corals but not for shrimp. Shrimp can tolerate NSW levels of Iodine obviously but not much more. It is definately not needed for proper molting, I thought that myth had died away by now.
Iodine and Osmotic Shock (rapid salinity change) are the only things I can think of that would kill your Shrimp that fast.
I'm leaning toward Osmotic Shock but if you're blindly adding Iodine without knowing what your levels are then that could also be a problem.


Active Member
No need to add iodine just do water changes. I like my peppermint shrimp better than cleaners personally and they are a lot less expensive.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Iodide is an ion of Iodine. It is safer than Iodate or molecular Iodine for corals but not for shrimp. Shrimp can tolerate NSW levels of Iodine obviously but not much more. It is definately not needed for proper molting, I thought that myth had died away by now.
Iodine and Osmotic Shock (rapid salinity change) are the only things I can think of that would kill your Shrimp that fast.
I'm leaning toward Osmotic Shock but if you're blindly adding Iodine without knowing what your levels are then that could also be a problem.
Ok, I understand what you are saying about iodine. But this problem is not affecting his CBS.

bang guy

Originally Posted by pbienkiewi
Ok, I understand what you are saying about iodine. But this problem is not affecting his CBS.
That's why I was leaning toward Osmotic Shock. I was wondering if the CBS was molting too frequently but that's not always noticeable.


I doubt osmotick shock....levels were too similar....and iodine I guess I've been miss-informed.....man this hobby is confusing sometimes....i get different answers all over the place!
only molt about once per month is this correct? my cbs has murdered 1x arrow crab, 4x peppermint shrimp, 1x citron
they are not reef safe by a long shot same with decorator/emerald crabs.