Why does my nano look so lifeless


Originally Posted by Joshr http:///forum/thread/384647/why-does-my-nano-look-so-lifeless/20#post_3370387
i dont clean them, since they are chilling at the bottom of the compartment, and their retrival is impossible.
YIKES....then you probably need to look into a different type of filtration......you said this is a cube? So do you still have the filter tray? Does it have the filter compartment? They sell a filter refill made for cubes.....by Oceanic.....you just slide it in there
this is it...2 pack is like $5


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/384647/why-does-my-nano-look-so-lifeless/20#post_3370389
YIKES....then you probably need to look into a different type of filtration......you said this is a cube? So do you still have the filter tray? Does it have the filter compartment? They sell a filter refill made for cubes.....by Oceanic.....you just slide it in there
this is it...2 pack is like $5

I went to my LFS and they gave me these pads, and told me to replace the big block sponge that originally came with the cube. on my aquapod all their is, is two big big blue sponges in the back. I added a skimmer and upgraded the pump in the back.


OK...I had to go look up the media basket on the aquapod.....seems to me that you have quite a bit of room
first of all...WHAT are those white pads? just pads?
This is what I would do.....i would get rid of the bioballs and the sponges.....get some chemical media...like charcoal....chemipure elite....something like that.....IF YOU WANT, you can still palce those whte floss pads in there to catch extra debris.....BUT you will need to change them often....
for example.....this is what this guy did:
I have seen the "What do I put in the back of my aquapod?" question many times and I had it myself.
The right combo I have found is live rock (about 3lbs), charcoal about 2/3 of a media bag and filter floss. That's it. Remove ALL of the blue sponges and the bioballs.


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/384647/why-does-my-nano-look-so-lifeless/20#post_3370398
OK...I had to go look up the media basket on the aquapod.....seems to me that you have quite a bit of room
first of all...WHAT are those white pads? just pads?
This is what I would do.....i would get rid of the bioballs and the sponges.....get some chemical media...like charcoal....chemipure elite....something like that.....IF YOU WANT, you can still palce those whte floss pads in there to catch extra debris.....BUT you will need to change them often....
for example.....this is what this guy did:
I have seen the "What do I put in the back of my aquapod?" question many times and I had it myself.
The right combo I have found is live rock (about 3lbs), charcoal about 2/3 of a media bag and filter floss. That's it. Remove ALL of the blue sponges and the bioballs.
Alright I took both sponges out, and I put the pads in, I put some crushed LR, and the skimmer back there.


I think you need to get the bio balls out too....especially since you can not get to them to clean them.....and get some chemicla media....

florida joe

Well-Known Member
You state your tank has been running for two years. It seems to sterile to just be from what you are dosing. Are you using chlorinated tap water

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I only use water from the water dispenser at Meijer
i dont know what that means,
How often do you clean your substratum?


Well-Known Member

Iodine becomes poison over time and yes you over dosed your tank, I'm surprised anything is alive at all. Change out your water over the next 3 weeks and don't dose anything. When you do regular water changes you don't need to dose anything but a little reef buffer or a pinch of baking soda in your top off water and then only if it is needed.
Do follow the advice you were given, get some snails and blow off the rocks with a turkey baster (mark it fish ONLY) when you do your water changes.
Get rid of the tang ASAP. You need a small power head, the water current is the life of the ocean and your tank. You will have a beautiful tank in no time if you do what everyone has told you.
Basic test kits to have for a REEF

  • PH

  • Calcium

  • Alkalinity or KH
All you need to keep on hand is some reef builder or baking soda, if your PH drops or you have low alkalinity or KH readings on your test, then add a little to your top off water. By keeping your PH, and Alkalinity at the right levels, and no phosphates and very low to no nitrates, coraline algae (pretty purple on the rocks) will flourish and your corals and critters will be very happy.


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/384647/why-does-my-nano-look-so-lifeless/20#post_3370516
For what??? I think the first thing you should do is re-do your filter media (bio-balls), get rid of tang, do a good water change and go from there
what type of lighting do you have? That will also dictate what types of corals you can get
I just did a massive water change earlier, and I will attempt to remove the bioballs tommorow. I plan on getting my charcoal filter tommorow, by the way, what would you reccomend for this aspect.
And the lighting I have is just the basic default ones


OK....look for chemi-pure elite....it comes in its own bag and should fit in one of thsoe filter sections
as far as the lighting you could probably do some mushrooms and zoas...and low light corals....not too much more