Why I'll never vote for a democrat


Active Member
'I want to take those profits, and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund' ...
I couldn't figure out how to post a utube video on here. So here is the link.
Watch this
Brilliant why don't we just call ourselves the USSR, Venesuela, or maybe Cuba. This is really the person we want running our country?


Active Member
I don't know how we could take the money away from oil companies, how ever disgustingly rich they get I suppose it is there money.
But the idea of a strategic energy fund is awesome. That's exactly what we need to start pulling away from our dependence on oil and make sure we have viable alternative energy options that are plentiful and environmentally friendly for the future.


Active Member
you should never vote for a democrat.
thats why they control the mainstream media.
if the mainstream media ever played or made public the crap that the dem's do behind closed doors, then a democrat would never hold a seat in office.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Brilliant why don't we just call ourselves the USSR, Venesuela, or maybe Cuba. This is really the person we want running our country?
well your friend mr bush has already made this country a dictator ship
the patriot act clearly violates the principles that this country was founded upon


Active Member
The patriot act has stoped allot of attacks from hapening. The media dosent want to tell you this becuase they dont like good stuff.


what has every dictator said when becoming a dictator.....
I have to take away your rights to protect you. The patriot act does just that and morw
and what attacks have we stopped
Iraq wasnt a threat if anything the war in iraq has hurt us..
And stating that Iraq was part of the teorists in the tradjety of 9/11 is falls too.
Osama hated Sadam because he wasnt religous Enough.
Lets ask ourselves where did Iraq get all the weapons from. Oh thats right the USA gave them to him before dessert storm to keep Iran in check.
Iran has always been worst then iraq
Lets also ask why are we in Iraq today. what weapons have the found
Only weapons that may or may not have been active before or after the weapon ban.
What have we done for Iraq. Made it safer...Not really...Start a Civil War ...Absolutly
Not being racsist in any way but what makes anybody in their right mind think that the arabs are gonna stop fighting each other anytime soon. Take a look through history. They have constantly been fighting.
Now nobody is in Irans way
we did Iran a favor.
Not only is Iran bad now North Korea has been a problem since the korean war, Nuclear capabilities and starving people.
So what has Bush done in America for our citizens???
Gas companies have made record highs in the past year. Why do the rich get the tax breaks
the middle class IS the backbone of america give sombody who needs a tax break a break
What has bush done for our education
Its worse than ever
In 2 years there will sadly be more foreign engineers than american engineers
and how bout are hospitals
our hospitals this year were rated some of the worst for modernized countries
how long is the average wait in our ERs these days
about 2 hours
in foreign countries a LONG wait is 15 minutes
so you tell me whats wrong with the picture....or is it just "the media reporting only the bad stuff"


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
what has every dictator said when becoming a dictator.....
I have to take away your rights to protect you. The patriot act does just that and morw
and what attacks have we stopped
Iraq wasnt a threat if anything the war in iraq has hurt us..
And stating that Iraq was part of the teorists in the tradjety of 9/11 is falls too.
Osama hated Sadam because he wasnt religous Enough.
Lets ask ourselves where did Iraq get all the weapons from. Oh thats right the USA gave them to him before dessert storm to keep Iran in check.
Iran has always been worst then iraq
Lets also ask why are we in Iraq today. what weapons have the found
Only weapons that may or may not have been active before or after the weapon ban.
What have we done for Iraq. Made it safer...Not really...Start a Civil War ...Absolutly
Not being racsist in any way but what makes anybody in their right mind think that the arabs are gonna stop fighting each other anytime soon. Take a look through history. They have constantly been fighting.
Now nobody is in Irans way
we did Iran a favor.
Not only is Iran bad now North Korea has been a problem since the korean war, Nuclear capabilities and starving people.
So what has Bush done in America for our citizens???
Gas companies have made record highs in the past year. Why do the rich get the tax breaks
the middle class IS the backbone of america give sombody who needs a tax break a break
What has bush done for our education
Its worse than ever
In 2 years there will sadly be more foreign engineers than american engineers
and how bout are hospitals
our hospitals this year were rated some of the worst for modernized countries
how long is the average wait in our ERs these days
about 2 hours
in foreign countries a LONG wait is 15 minutes
so you tell me whats wrong with the picture....or is it just "the media reporting only the bad stuff"
You are missing my point. This in an of itself is reason enough to not vote democrat. Iets steal from successful people so I can spend it.
And as for education. I agree the current education system sucks. But guess who co-authored our latest edu bill. Got to thank the good ol Ted Kennedy for that.


Active Member
dont they call that socialism
hilary is such a moron god help us
by the way they said now that ethenol produces more smog then gas

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
you should never vote for a democrat.
thats why they control the mainstream media.
if the mainstream media ever played or made public the crap that the dem's do behind closed doors, then a democrat would never hold a seat in office.
Preach it brother!!!
Wanabebell...President Bush hasn't made this country a dictatorship. If it were a dictatorship I wouldn't be allowed to type this. Please explain a little more about this so called dictatorship in the United States of America, which was based on religion and FREEDOM.


Active Member
And Congress got a stranglehold on G.W. Bush ! I'll never vote Republican. Bush hasn't done too much as of late. His State of Union address admitted he made a mistake ... BUT we gotta send 20,000 more troops to Iraq ! WTH !??! No logic here. And now he wants to start something with Iran ? Here we go again ...


Active Member
I guess that just really resonates with me as an economics major. And studying history. This country was founded on a lot of stuff. But one of the major things that has evolved from the country. And made it one of the most stable, strong economies in the world is Freedom to make the money you want to make. I feel like this statement directly violates our American Dream. Simply because they made a truck load well boatload of money dispite what liberals have done for the past 30 years to hamper there success. Means we should take away all there profits so the ever so efficient federal government can have a try at it.
You can argue that Bush is an idiot. You can say that the patriot act has seriously hindered our freedoms. (Although I live the exact same before as after) And make the extrapolation that bush is a dictator. (although it seems to me that FDR (a dem) was the guy who interned all those Japs during WW2 for just being Japs. Atleast the guys who our government picked up were for the most part pointing guns at Americans. I really don't see how our civil liberties have been horribly violated. I don't see censorship of the press, even when good ol Dan Rather published clearly forged documents. You may argue that Bush lied. But he didn't say anything different than Gore, Clinton, Kerry, Ted and any other elected official during the 90's and early 2000's. Heck every major intel agency thought and said the same things too.
But you know we do live in a dictatorship, bush is a complete and total idiot. and oil companies are all evil since they dare make money they should be in business and loose money like airlines, and ford, and GM. That is the way companies should be run. Just so we can waste my tax dollar bailing them out.


Active Member
Kind of split on this issue. It seems wrong to me that Exxon made these kind of profits at our expense, then again its our fault for paying them.
I also know that when it comes to lies and politics the name clinton is synomous with trying to gain popularity through deception.


Active Member
The Democrats and media leave out a key component when they are discussing "record" profits of oil companies. That is, of course, that the percentage of profit is far lower than many other businesses.
The Democratic party has clearly moved into the socialist camp. Forget the fact that socialism doesn't work, it clearly isn't what our country was founded on.
As for the Patriot Act taking away an individual's rights... two points are forgotten: 1. Non-US citizens don't have Constitutional Rights and 2. We're at war.
Sorry, but if the government wants to listen in while you talk to an Afghani located in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan I'm all for it.


Does it really matter? Eventually India and Pakistan will blow eachother up and a nuclear war will be on our hands.


1journeyman said:
As for the Patriot Act taking away an individual's rights... two points are forgotten: 1. Non-US citizens don't have Constitutional Rights and 2. We're at war.
actually we are not at war Congress never aproved it bush aproved it not congress therefor it is a "miltary police" action
if it was a democracy congress woulda voted for war or not
the patriot act states that you can be held for an indeffinent time
Bush can simply point at any one of us and say you are a terrorist and are underarrest
dosnt need a warrent to arrest
or need resonable info to arrest
can listen to your private phone calls
The list really goes on
another thing id like to bring up is medicare
its not the bush's buisness to inforcess what the drug companies can sell their drugs for
if i had a porche and wanted to cell it for a penny thats my right
if the drug companies want to cell a drug for a dollar thats their call not bush's


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Sorry, but if the government wants to listen in while you talk to an Afghani located in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan I'm all for it.
so what your now stating is every person from afghanistan that lives in a cave is a terrorists
and with all the people that state that the democrats hide stuff with the media
how bout we talk about afghanistan
its getting worse everyday we dont here anything on that...No i agree failing with one country is enough to report we dont need to hear about the second failing country
we to start watching our backs and stop getting in everybodys buisness yes afghanistan was necesary but we have been in far too many places
the world woulnt hate us so much of we minded our own problems
which all of us have agreed we have