Why I'll never vote for a democrat


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
actually we are not at war Congress never aproved it bush aproved it not congress therefor it is a "miltary police" action
if it was a democracy congress woulda voted for war or not
"To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.
Whereas, on September 11, 2001, acts of treacherous violence were committed against the United States and its citizens; and Whereas, such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that the United States exercise its rights to self-defense and to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad; and Whereas, in light of the threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by these grave acts of violence; and Whereas, such acts continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States; and Whereas, the President has authority under the Constitution to take action to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled...."
Sounds like a "Declaration of War" to me.


Active Member
You know I may be wrong on the paper, but I think it was the NY times did some research to see if they could find any misuse of power due to the Patriot Act. And they couldn't at all. Not one.
And can you point to any real evidence that says that Afganistan is getting worse and worse every day?
For a non-retorical question. Why should we care what other nations think of us? What it comes down to is that we haven't been attacked since 9/11. They have. Can we honestly think that they have our best interests at heart? We already know that Russia lost a ton of money when they could no longer trade oil with Iraq. And the UN had ulterior motives with the oil for food scandle. Clearly the international debate is riddled with biased profit motives from powerful leaders of international organizations, and countries.
Personally I'd rather have all of Europe hate me than for me to be scared of going to work in a sky scaper. Or going to a baseball game.
Where do we get the idea that we can appease everyone? Robert Frost wrote a poem about two roads. The one less traveled was the one that made all the difference.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
the patriot act states that you can be held for an indeffinent time
Bush can simply point at any one of us and say you are a terrorist and are underarrest
dosnt need a warrent to arrest
or need resonable info to arrest
can listen to your private phone calls
The list really goes on
How many of these apply to Citizens of the USA?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
How many of these apply to Citizens of the USA?
All of them apply to citizens.


Active Member
As for the Patriot Act taking away an individual's rights... two points are forgotten: 1. Non-US citizens don't have Constitutional Rights and 2. We're at war.
Because non-US citizens don't have rights it's okay to take away our rights? In all honesty, although I'm not a fan of the patriot act it hasn't really affected me beyond the random preopened mail I get every once in a while, but this is a REALLY PATHETIC arguement for why the patriot act is a good thing.

mr. guitar

Ok a few of you are misunderstanding a HUGE thing. Our country isn't a dictatorship. Why do you still say that? Give me a GOOD reason why you think our country is a dictatorship. If our country was a dictatorship you wouldn't even be allowed to say anthinig about the government, practice your own religion, practice freedom of the press, the list goes on. How many of YOUR rights have be violated?
If our Founding Fathers were here today they'd be stunned by all the stupid things that are going around. Just think what they would say if they knew what Hiliary and Mrs. Pelosi are doing.
I'd love to see that! hahaha. Mr. Franklin would be yelling at them and cussing them out and making bad jokes about them.
Man, I can't wait to meet Franklin in Heaven.
In my personal opinion I think the Patriot Act is an excellent idea. The government doesn't want to know my converstation with my parents, grandparents, or friends. That doesn't interest them. DUH. Now if your talking about taking over our country or talking about blowing up buildings thats a different story. They'll listen to your converstations more and then probably arrest you.
To garnet...What rights don't you have that you had before the Patriot Act?


Active Member
Im right with you guitar. If you want this country to be a dictatorship then vote for democrats. there all for goverment controlling our lives.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
The patriot act has stoped allot of attacks from hapening. The media dosent want to tell you this becuase they dont like good stuff.
You have any proof of this?


first off how its not right to tap phone calls UNLESS they have Evidence and a thing called idunno maby a "search warrent"
and if you reaserch 9/11 you understand that the terrorist had lived in the US for several years so if mr bush can just randomly tap you phone call because some of our teorist live in the us
its still a dictatorship
even if i can still type this and have some of my rights some of them have been prevoke
and going to war without the congresses permission is our right proof of a dictatorship
with the congress it shows that one person (and his team) made choices for his country which in deffinition is a dictatorship

mr. guitar

hahahahahaha. You just crack me up wanabebell. hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Those are your only two "good" reasons? A dictatorship is complete control over government. Our country would be dictatorship if Hiliary or Pelosi were President or Vice-President. Just think Pelosi is 4th in line to be President!!! THAT STINKS!!!!!!!!! hahaha


Active Member
This is from 04.
Second, the Patriot Act allows law enforcement and foreign intelligence agencies - the FBI and CIA for example - to share information, so the next time an attack like Sept. 11 is in the making, we can connect the dots in time to stop it. This part of the act has led to the breakup of terror cells in Buffalo, Detroit, Seattle and Portland. It was also used to indict Florida college professor Sami al-Arian on 50 terrorism-related charges, stemming from his alleged role as leader of the U.S. chapter of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
I dont like doing anymore reasearch.. But you can find it.

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by wanabebell
and going to war without the congresses permission is our right proof of a dictatorship
with the congress it shows that one person (and his team) made choices for his country which in deffinition is a dictatorship
What?! Congress approved it they just didn't declare war. There's a difference there.
hahahahahahah. I can't stop laughing. hahaha. Sorry.

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by TriGa22
This is from 04.
Second, the Patriot Act allows law enforcement and foreign intelligence agencies - the FBI and CIA for example - to share information, so the next time an attack like Sept. 11 is in the making, we can connect the dots in time to stop it. This part of the act has led to the breakup of terror cells in Buffalo, Detroit, Seattle and Portland. It was also used to indict Florida college professor Sami al-Arian on 50 terrorism-related charges, stemming from his alleged role as leader of the U.S. chapter of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
I dont like doing anymore reasearch.. But you can find it.
They don't want to believe the truth my friend. It's a loosing battle. hahahahahahaha.


Active Member
Sorry but I had to add 1 more.
U.S. intelligence agencies have stopped accused terrorist Osama bin Laden from carrying out at least seven bomb attacks on overseas facilities,USA Today.
This was a year or 2 ago.

bang guy

Originally Posted by wanabebell
and going to war without the congresses permission is our right proof of a dictatorship
with the congress it shows that one person (and his team) made choices for his country which in deffinition is a dictatorship
The House approved the invasion 296-133.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
What?! Congress approved it they just didn't declare war. There's a difference there.
hahahahahahah. I can't stop laughing. hahaha. Sorry.
The ignorance and close-mindedness that some people have and hold is just amazing.
As Bang pointed out, the House certainly did approve it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
first off how its not right to tap phone calls UNLESS they have Evidence and a thing called idunno maby a "search warrent"
You shouldnt be worried about this anyways. As long as your not talking to terrorists your fine. Now if you are be worried. Noone is scared about this ok. They dont just say your arrested. They need proof.