Why I'll never vote for a democrat


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Im right with you guitar. If you want this country to be a dictatorship then vote for democrats. there all for goverment controlling our lives.
triga hahahahah not to be rude but you need to define republican and democrat
IM not either one
But if i was in a political run i would be placed with the democrats because i am a Libertarian


Active Member
Libratarians believe in smaller government, how would this make you side with the donkeys who want higher taxes and more government controls.


actually Libratarians believe in little to no government
where you can do anything you want as long as it dosnt hurt sombody or their property


Active Member
.What rights don't you have that you had before the Patriot Act?
If you read my quote, I said that, I haven't actually noticed any effects other than my mail being opened. The point of my post was that someone said because we have more rights than other people it's okay for ours to be taken away. Here's the quote, which I think is ridiculous.
As for the Patriot Act taking away an individual's rights... two points are forgotten: 1. Non-US citizens don't have Constitutional Rights


Active Member
Originally Posted by garnet13aj
If you read my quote, I said that, I haven't actually noticed any effects other than my mail being opened. The point of my post was that someone said because we have more rights than other people it's okay for ours to be taken away. Here's the quote, which I think is ridiculous.
That's my quote and you misunderstood; My point is that the Patriot Act is targetted at Non-US Citizens and therefore they have no Constitutional Rights.
For instance, holding detainees at Gitmo. Where in the Constitution are they afforded rights?


Active Member
Thanks for clearing that up, that makes much more sense to me now. (That's the downside of these boards, it's sometimes hard to make your message come accross in the way you intend it to).
I don't know enough about the details of the Patriot Act to have a full fledged conversation about it and I haven't though enough about non US citizens to give a full opinion. I definitely see how they wouldn't have rights according to our constitution, but at the same time, we gave ourselves these rights when our country was founded because we believe that they should be given to all men. So it's kind of a squishy situation, because, it's true they don't have official rights according to our constitution, but does that mean we can just do w/them what we wish? I don't know...
I heard a story of a prisoner that was held by the US for years, it turned out he was innocent and didn't have anything to do w/terrorist dealings. In the mean time, he wasn't able to work and feed/care for his family. That doesn't make me feel great in any way. But it is just one example, an isolated incident.


Active Member
I think it's dangerous to vote blindly a straight line ticket regardless of the party. Same with congress when voting, only thing worse is changing positions based on Media polls rather than convictions and be afraid to take a hard position because the next poll won't agree with you.
What is this Non-Binding BS. Either you don't agree and have an actual
better plan that you are willing to stake your reputation against or not.


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
What is this Non-Binding BS. Either you don't agree and have an actual
better plan that you are willing to stake your reputation against or not.
Non Binding if things get better soon in Iraq
= "See, we didn't oppose the war and we support our troops. We just wanted to tell the President we wanted more say in how things were planned. Good thing we passed the Non-Binding Resolution or else the President would have kept making bad decisions"
Non Binding is things get worse=
"See, we totally said things were going to get worse!"


Active Member

Originally Posted by wanabebell
actually Libratarians believe in little to no government
where you can do anything you want as long as it dosnt hurt sombody or their property
Actually the idea of no government is closer to an anarchists point of view. Government is necessary. Liberatarians believe in less governement control and lower taxes I believe that most people are smart enough to make their own decisions without the government reaching into your pockets for useless programs that will never be used.
It's not the governments job to take care of personal responsibilites or lack of.
pelosi, gore, boxer, dean, clinton , odonnel, franken, jackson all claim to be democrats. And they all want more government regulations. These folks are not
Libratarians, they are liberals... Big difference. Id vote for Tickle me Elmo before Id place any trust in these clowns.
This is an interesting test to see where you stand politically.


I have lost more under BUSH then any pres I have seen.I can not live thru another 8 yrs like Bush has put me thru.I will be homeless and staring.I swear to you with all my heart.And I dont ,not going to fight about this.Theses are the facts in small town america!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by tacoma38
I have lost more under BUSH then any pres I have seen.I can not live thru another 8 yrs like Bush has put me thru.I will be homeless and staring.I swear to you with all my heart.And I dont ,not going to fight about this.Theses are the facts in small town america!!
Actually, statistically, those aren't "the facts".
I can't argue with individual experiences however.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tacoma38
Homeless and starving!!!
I seriously doubt anyone involved in SWF keeping is in immediate threat of starving.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tacoma38
Another 8 yrs and Iam telling you this country will fall.
If by fail you mean:
More people will own houses
More people will have jobs
Stock Market will be at even higher record levels
Unemployment will be even closer to record lows
I see your point... doom is on the horizon...


I dont know about you all.But i am seeing alot of hardship around me and its got alot to do with the pres.personnely I am doing better then anyone I know.And I have done alot better under the democrats.We will have a democrat next election and I would bet my house.You will see the poor vote and they never never put repub in the big house.Love you all and god bless America and my fish tank.se ya


Active Member
Originally Posted by tacoma38
Homeless and starving!!!
Think about what you are saying for a minute. If you think these problems are the fault of the government you are incorrect. You are now feeling the effect of the decisions clinton made while in office.
People need to be responsible for their own actions, its not the governments responsibility to bail you out. You may be confusing a hand up with a hand out. Free handouts at the expense of others has always been the democrat philosophy.
How are higher taxes going to help?