Why we are losing the war in Iraq...

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
It's not that they're lying, just that they devote a majority of coverage to negative news. Obviously, it depends on what you watch or read, but media outlets generally provide the coverage that will get them the most viewers/readers. In the case of Iraq, they feel that covering the negative is getting them ratings. At the start of the war, when people felt good about it, they covered it positively. At this point, it's gone on so long and so many people have died that public opinion has changed, and the media has shifted their coverage to reinforce that. For the most part, people don't want news; they want to have their opinions validated, and the media plays into that. I'm generalizing, because you can find positive coverage if you look for it. But the prevailing wisdom within the media is that bad news sells.
There's an old saying: If it bleeds, it leads.
The point is that its misleding most of Americans.And they don't realize it Or at least they don't want to admit it! Lies,Lies <lies...Well great job on giving false and negative coverage to the peeps..So you're saying that the New Generation is growing up on lies,negatives and corruption?
You can come up with all the excuses, they're just like arses..everybody's got one.." If it bleeds, it leads" .. .Blood thirsty hu??? talk about Genocidal..
The reason why they keep misguiding people is because there's nothing left but oil$$..Are you waiting for Usama to come out of his caves?? Lets face it the ARMY is not big enuf to stabelize iraq,iran,afghanistan ect..What else are you doing down there?? there has always and there will always be Insurgents in every country that's History..Again..How about instead of Democrats and Republican NEWS they make real people news??????
Like one of the presidents say a while ago: "The US Goverment is for the American people, by the American people and of the American people".. Now if you ask me this quote has been fading through out History..

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Exactly my point. I say we are winning. The Media says we are not. What the heck is your point????
Are you implying that the media says we are doing great things in Iraq?? The Media is all in favor of this administration??

My point is simple as Barney,(LIES) Maybe you should start a news Broadcast maybe you'll get High ratings if you tell the Truth..Oh wait the American people doesn't get amused or want the Truth..right?
Of course the media is Not going to tell you the benefits of OIL.. why would they?..But if you catch Usama do you think they'll tell us?? Of course..They only tell you what you want to hear..Get it?

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
you must have alot of money then
Actually i give back more than what i have..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
The point is that its misleding most of Americans.And they don't realize it Or at least they don't want to admit it! Lies,Lies <lies...Well great job on giving false and negative coverage to the peeps..So you're saying that the New Generation is growing up on lies,negatives and corruption?
You can come up with all the excuses, they're just like arses..everybody's got one.." If it bleeds, it leads" .. .Blood thirsty hu??? talk about Genocidal..
I won't even try to explain to you what that means. Obviously, you don't get it.
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
The reason why they keep misguiding people is because there's nothing left but oil$$..Are you waiting for Usama to come out of his caves?? Lets face it the ARMY is not big enuf to stabelize iraq,iran,afghanistan ect..What else are you doing down there?? there has always and there will always be Insurgents in every country that's History..Again..How about instead of Democrats and Republican NEWS they make real people news??????
Again, they're not lying, just reporting what they choose to. Their only real obligation is to their customers, and as far as they're concerned, they're giving their customers what they want. You make it sound like the media is fabricating the whole thing. The fact is, a lot of things aren't going well, and for the most part the media focuses on that.
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef

Like one of the presidents say a while ago: "The US Goverment is for the American people, by the American people and of the American people".. Now if you ask me this quote has been fading through out History..
It was Lincoln, and he said "...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." In case you haven't noticed, there's a difference between the government and the media.

aztec reef

Active Member
Great, i get your point..So the media chooses to report news with more importance to the people such as, how many times


gets arrested with DUI's, or how many times Linsay lohan doesn't wear underwear or does coke, or how


chops-off her hair!!! who gives a crap!!! how about some news of the War wether is good or bad its still happening and people still dying.. (and its reality TV too) That seems to be the Entertainment industry nowdays, so why not show some of that war reality too??
I know you rather forget about that and go on with your little life..
Ok, lets say they don't lie but you cannot deny that they withhold info from you!... you got to be nuts to believe Otherwise..
So you're saying that the Goverment doesn't have any power over the media??? How come whenever there's a braking story such as the sniper shootings the Goverment/media takes a long time before they report it??...When its negative and the Goverment is on the Line they're really cautious of what they release out to the public(and no its not because they have to keep it secret untill they're caught,or the case its solved. lets face it, they always end up requiring publics assistance with the case) so why keep secrets....In the other hand when theres a braking report such as the bridge collapsed, they're quick to tell about it cause the Goverment has no fault.right? yet they don't care about reporting the casualties cause its a normal ocurrance..
It depends on what you watch hu?...why keep that barrier/confusion amongs the peeps, that's only causing chaos/distance on the political parties cause everyone has their own Individual opinion..I guess that's politics for you...But How can we fix another country's democracy if we can't even agree with our own politics??????????????
If the war isn't a conspiracy for OIL, then what's the conspiracy?? If you haven't noticed they don't report much about it(oil) in either sides...
I'm not saying the WAR was always a conspiracy for oil, I agreed on the war at the begining and yes it was great accomplishment,(unless 9/11 was an inside job).which i don't think it was,(i hope NOT) But now what's the deal??? where's the game plan??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
So you're saying that the Goverment doesn't have any power over the media??? ....
If the war isn't a conspiracy for OIL, then what's the conspiracy?? If you have noticed they don't report much about it(oil) in either sides...
1. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. President Clinton Got impeached over a story the press broke. Scooter Libby was tried and found guilty, the fact that the NSA has listening in on phone calls around the world, etc. all stories the press leaked.
There have been times when the White House has asked the media to sit on a story for a period of time. Much like local police often ask media to not report all of the details of a crime scene so that they have a better chance of solving the case.
2. I don't think there is a conspiracy....

aztec reef

Active Member
1. President Clinton had way more issues than just that single story..And you said it your self, We found out about it due to the fact that it leaked out!! If it wouldn't have leaked out, this would be a different story...If it hadn't ocured.would you think that Clinton was a good leader, if he did'nt have that in his presidential record?? how do you know if that wasn't a secret Republican mischivious plan to remove Clinton from the office?
The press might get lucky once every full moon and get some contraversial reporting news but that's just so they get higher ratings and no more..also they have laws and rules and regulations that they cannot release classified info without permision of the higher chief of stuff or you could get fired/fined and put to jail, or both..
2. then what do you think its going on down there?
stablelizing? Collin Powell said "the US Army isn't big enuff to use troops as police man" or big enuff to stablelize anything...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
..also they have laws and rules and regulations that they cannot release classified info without permision of the higher chief of stuff or you could get fired/fined and put to jail, or both.....
NAME A SINGLE reporter in jail in the USA for reporting a story. Let's discuss their situation in greater detail...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
2. then what do you think its going on down there?...
A global war on terrorism.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
I love Aztec. Every time he posts I feel 100 times smarter.
I feel the same way! except i will admit that your a little ahead on journalism.. I'm talking about CNN<NBC<FOX<ABC news which i don't think you can outsmart!! hey don't get mad at my ignorance it's what i learn from watching the media.If i'm politically ignorant then i'm the product of the media..

aztec reef

Active Member
If it is A global war on terrorism, and it has to be stationed over there then it would be considered Civil War..
Lets look back alittle, there has ALWAYS been and will be terrorists, you can't clean out /secure the hole east. that's impossible..
Come on school me! Educated,sophisticated,prestigious peeps...

"NAME A SINGLE reporter in jail in the USA for reporting a story"
that just proves my point! why isn't there any???Or why haven't we heard of such cases??? MAYBE cause they're so good on following THE rules..Or maybe when something Outrages happends the Evidence is so overwhelming that they have no case against it!!! they can't put a dozen witnesses in jail just for seeing something or knowing what leaked out!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
I feel the same way! except i will admit that your a little ahead on journalism.. I'm talking about CNN<NBC<FOX<ABC news which i don't think you can outsmart!! hey don't get mad at my ignorance it's what i learn from watching the media.If i'm politically ignorant then i'm the product of the media..

I'm way ahead of you on everything Aztec, and your ignorance extends far beyond politics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
"NAME A SINGLE reporter in jail in the USA for reporting a story"
that just proves my point! why isn't there any???
Because of a little something called the First Amendment. Maybe you've heard of it.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
I'm way ahead of you on everything Aztec, and your ignorance extends far beyond politics.
Keep dreaming!!! you might have literature skills, But you lack on Intelligence..
Now, try to be an Adult and keep this on topic..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Keep dreaming!!! you might have literature skills, But you lack on Intelligence..
Now, try to be an Adult and keep this on topic..
This coming from someone who can't spell...

aztec reef

Active Member
Asi es, Ahora si tu eres tan Intelligente entiendes lo que te estoy diciendo?..My primary language isn't English thus why i'm lacking on grammer but i actually can spell better English then most my american friends..maybe i have ignorant friends too..Now when you can handle more than a couple languages then let me know..
Now can you go back to topic or your brain can't function??

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Because of a little something called the First Amendment. Maybe you've heard of it.
"first amendment"
This goes down hill in the CIA family jewls, as Information gets white-out/blacked out..You might as well not release NOTHING to the public..
"first amendment" Please.. we're talking about federal cases, Not your average small claims courts...