Originally Posted by crimzy
Well stated. However, one problem I have with the pro-war viewpoint is that you guys keep changing your argument. WE DID NOT GO INTO IRAQ TO FIGHT TERRORISM. Even by your own earlier admission, the only terrorist act that you can think of was an attempted assasination of George Sr. a decade before this war started. And, whether that's an act of terrorism or an act of war is debatable.
When it suits your argument, the pro war guys claim that we went to war because of the WMD's and violations of the cease fire. However, when these issues are argued, you the pro war sentiment changes to "You guys don't want to fight terrorism!" Pick one and stick with it so we can discuss.
The fact is that a true war on terrorism would have been initiated in Afghanistan and travelled through Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Actually, a true war on terrorism would probably have never gone into Iraq. NOW we are fighting a war against terrorists, Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, etc. in Iraq. And we started this war for reasons that had nothing to do with terrorism.
I am absolutely against this war of lies because it is not against terrorism. Actually, the world's largest terrorist producer is Bush's largest investors... Saudi. If the US handled the situation properly, I would have had no problem with a war on terror. And most of the world would have had no issue with THAT type of war.
Crimzy, I have always respected your view point....So I will explain thoroughly to you and anyone else that cares my personal view on this war.
In the beginning Iraq was NOT a battle against Al Qaeda. It was however part of the greater war on terror. Every nation and intelligence organization from EVERY major power in the world was agreeing Sadaam was procuring/or had WMDs. So he was violating the Resolutions. Add on top of that he openly announced he would pay terrorist's families money to blow themselves up, especially at Isreal. This is openly supportting Terrorism. Why do you guys ignore this? This part alone justifies our action as part of the war on terror. However, once we defeated the Iraqi Army and Got Sadaam That portion and the "Iraq" war as we knew was over in my estimation. As we had toppled the regime and taken the country (Usual terms that dictate winning a war). It has now turned into a war/peace keeping mission against Jihadists and Al Qaeda.... Which further entrenches it in the war on Terror now. What we are doing now is no different than a peace keeping mission into an african country for instance Kosovo. We a;ready removed Sadaam and his regime which WAS the goal. We are helping set up a government which is what we should be doingh as it is the right thing to do to help the average Iraqi citizen gain a better life.
The problem is, you have extremists attacking us, the iraqi army and Iraqi citizens now. We, in my eyes, are now fighting a different war from the previous as the goals are now different. If the jihadist extremists hadn't started attacking and moving in to the country, then our goal of removing Sadaam and the regime and installing a better government would be done by now and the world would be happy. However Our enemy changed.
From the Jihadists stand point I can see why they would do what they are doing. It is much easier to attack in their own region than plotting and attempting terrorists actions here. Think about it...They will never defeat us in our own country, on our soil. However if they cause enough casualties and create enough terror The American people will start to back down and want their troops out. Which is a better recruiting scheme....Bombing a few places in the U.S. or taking credit for defeating and forcing withdrawl of the United Statesd Military......The strongest military force in the world.
That is why I say we can't pull out, as it will only embolden them and allow for more recruitment...not to mention the slaughter that would occur after our forces left with no one to defend them.