Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Read up on the Palestinian Liberation Front, who were based in Iraq.
Report on the $35 million Saddam paid out to terrorist families. Do you really want to try to argue that this is not the truth but a ploy by the US Government? We can argue that if you like, I just want to make sure I understand your position.
I keep saying this... President CLINTON, when attacking Iraq said: "Their (our forces) mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs...". Was he part of the vast conspiracy? What about Former Vice President Gore when he said "Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter, and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." Again, part of a conspiracy?
Did Pres. Clinton break International Law when he bo,bed Iraq? Bosnia? If this is true why didn't the UN stop us? Why didn't they stop Iraq from invading Kuwait, stop the genocide in Darfur, stop the border disputes in Kasmir? Stop Afghanistan from harboring terrorists, etc?
Again, who? Give some proof and examples...
And who is doing that? Who is responsible for the death? US troops or terrorists, criminals, militias, and Iranian supported insurgents?
Yes, living in Baghdad is brutal. As I've pointed out, however, many places in Iraq aren't like that. In many places Democracy and Capitalism are growing. The people there don't have to worry about being murdered, raped, gassed, or tortured by Saddam or his sick kids... so I'd say for them things are much better now.
genocide- Sudan, Liberia, Rwanda, we however did go into Kosovo. Why haven't we gone into nations that are of greater risk such as Iran and S. Korea who are not just pursing WMD, they have them and are testing them. What about Russia- are they selling arms to these countries or insurgents?
Ok and lets say you are correct about the $35 million from Iraq to terrorists. Do you think that Iraq is the single largest supporter of terrorist organizations or could another country be even a larger contributor. -- what is the liklihood of this being true? I don't think Iraq is the country we need to fear the most.