Will the world end in 2012?


Originally Posted by m0nk
"I just have a very strong feeling that the world will end on New Year's Eve."

New years eve 2012...The date of my last truck payment....Figures!!


Originally Posted by 2cold2fish
New years eve 2012...The date of my last truck payment....Figures!!
Ha Ha. I was just going to say, everyone go out and buy a house you can't afford in 2011, and live like kings for a year! LOL. Hey wait a minute... Hasn't that already happend?!?


Originally Posted by ruaround
and in 4 years we wont have to change to a new OS either... cuz maybe Vista will have all the kinks worked outta it...
Now that would be a sign of Divine Intervention!


Active Member
I think the poles shifting 180 deg, when the earth and sun are in perfect alignment with the black hole in the center of our universe may have more to do with it than we may believe, I guess we'll have to wait and see.


salty blues

Active Member
There is nothing to fear. Hillary & Billary will take charge in a few months and liberal policies will put us all in the Garden of Eden.


Personally I think the real danger to humanity is an asteroid impact, that could set us back to the dark ages and reset humanity and end "this world" as we know it and start a whole new one, maybe next time we mightget it right but I doubt it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SWAlchemist
Personally I think the real danger to humanity is an asteroid impact, that could set us back to the dark ages and reset humanity and end "this world" as we know it and start a whole new one, maybe next time we mightget it right but I doubt it.
Woohoo, Dark Ages rule!

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by SWAlchemist
Personally I think the real danger to humanity is an asteroid impact, that could set us back to the dark ages and reset humanity and end "this world" as we know it and start a whole new one, maybe next time we mightget it right but I doubt it.
Sadly, I'm afraid it would take something of this magnitude to get mankind's attention and change our attitudes. Remember all the feelings of unity and lovey dovey after 9-11? Well, that lasted a long time didn't it?


I just skipped through every post cept the first to post this.
I always thought that Nostradomus said 2007...Maybe it was 2012
But anyways...Nostradomus 'predicted' many things some say he predicted the holocaust and the WTC incident. But Nostradomus made probally thousands of predictions yearly. He definatly could have got lucky.
And these predictions he made werent specific, some seemed pretty spot on, but most you have to take out parts and fragment it, and apply each fragment of prediction to modern day happenings, and then it seems as if you got an accurate prediction.
Even if predictions are real and Nostradomus really did predict the holocaust, he still got Hitlers name wrong by 2 letters, he said Hilter. My point is 2 letters doesnt mean much in a name. But for all we know he couldve predicted the end of the year wrong by 2 numbers. Maybe he did really see the end of the world, but maybe it was really....2201 or 2021.


I think jesus will come back desguised as a black man.


Originally Posted by bigarn
Don't go short changeing my man ..... He said Hisler ... he missed by only 1 letter.

Okay so he coulve been wrong by one letter, 3012.
When I though it was Hilter, it had all the right letters but wrong order, but Hisler is even better, it bring in another letter that wasnt there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
don't forget Al Gore predicted the end of the world, in 2016...

I think Al Gore is the anti-christ.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dlauber
I think jesus will come back desguised as a black man.
What color do think Jesus was to begin with? Not too many pale skinned blued eyed people being born in that region 2,000 years ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
What color do think Jesus was to begin with? Not too many pale skinned blued eyed people being born in that region 2,000 years ago.
I'm pretty sure he was brown.


Active Member
Well, if Jesus really existed, and he really was the son of god, I would think he'd look however god wanted him to look.... just for the sake of argument....