Originally Posted by Ino
Ya know what saddens me even more about Christians today? They forget that it's not just them that matter. Animals do suffer. Children do suffer. All this talk about souls... it's important, but in it, they lose what's important. Life itself is a gift. And if it ends in four years, so be it. If it doesn't, well, it won't be the first time a bunch of guys with telescopes were wrong.
Oh, and Crash... err... if it's a race of super-advanced aliens, why is God so much harder to believe? lol. How did those evolve, I'm curious.
Why is it so much harder to believe in god than in the idea that there are things in the universe we cant see touch or even comprehend ? I think the idea of both requier us to open our minds a little and think out side of what we can touch. Its not that I dont believe in god or believe in the day of judgment . But I also can't be so blind and nieve as to think we are gods only creation. I can't believe that in the billions of planets and stars that we are the only creatures of consiousness , and that god has chosen to share this with us only . If god is capable of such grandness and can create the heavens and earth , Man and beast , Then why would he do it on such a small scale ? Maybe its because its all our minds can take in at this point in our evelotion. is the idea of people from other worlds hard to believe ? If you think it is in todays day and age then think about what it would have been translated into 2000 years ago ? If we are talking about entities that can move from demension to demension travel millions of light years at the blink of an eye would they not be able to perform every miricale that takes place in the bible ? If these same creatures could in such a way convince man in that day in age that there was a "god " wouldnt the uneducated people of that time be in awe of such creatures ? Ancient cultures have left signs that they were visited by beings from the heavens (outer space ).