I am at work all day, in a place where no one has any idea on tanks, which i love very dearly. this is my passion, i also like to help others, and when they are in these countless times over and over again, asking for help and then do the direct opposite, its rather annoying. I think you are making a broad and general statement, and it is not factual, but none the less, you are entitled to your opinion. I know you will be reading this and I hope you feel better about yourself now.
My biggest concern more than anything else, these fish are not bred in captivity, they are captured in the wild. So when people do idiotic things like stuff their tanks full of fish which half of belong in bigger tanks, utlimately die. what then? the day you figure out how to breed these in captivity and begin to do so, will be the last time i get upset about people being careless with their animals.
I answer a lot of threads youre right. most of which are cool fish pictures, disease treatments, and silly non related things. If i take pleasure in doing so let it be. As far as being mean, its more of a just a frustration of how people let their ignorance get in the way of the hobby.
why ask for help if you continue to do things that obviously arent healthy nor helpful to your hobby, and wasting all of that money and killing a wild breeding animal. Its bad enough that we pull these animals from their natural habitat, why not try to replicate and let them live still a good life.
If you have a passion for something you get involved. I want to try to help people who make mistakes by listening to some, not all, LFS. I made the same mistake when i started and dont want anyone else to do the same..