World War III Tn My Tank


Active Member
The grouper is the first fish I got and he isn't growing. Btw here another one about TUCHOVGRAY he killed his queen angel redocarting by dropping a piece of lace rock on her!


Now, adam, you're being immature. We're only here to give you advice. If you don't like that advice, don't regurgitate information about people to get revenge. Being 21, i'd expect you to know this already. I'm done with you, and i'm sure you'll do better in the future, when you decide to listen to peoples advice rather than ignore it, and then get upset when things go wrong for you...


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
The grouper is the first fish I got and he isn't growing.

Not a persuasive argument...


Active Member
I am joking with TUCHOVGRAY he is 5 feet away from me at another desk he's my fish buddy, read the begining of the post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adamc1303
The grouper is the first fish I got and he isn't growing. Btw here another one about TUCHOVGRAY he killed his queen angel redocarting by dropping a piece of lace rock on her!

ok apparently when i suggest moving around "DECORATIONS" that doesnt mean being stupid and dropping them on your fish. grow up..
and there is probably a very good reason why your grouper hasnt grown. because he has no where to grow. panther groupers grow very fast and eat anything they can put their mounts over. oh but because its your grouper it wont grow and forget about what the books and studies show on groupers, they dont apply to you. how immature.


let's all take it easy on the kid. he obviously knows that he made a mistake purchasing all of these fish and he is just expressing his anger on this message board. hopefully he will learn from this experiance and one day he will become a true aquarist.


Active Member
I didn't drop the rock read carefully before making assumptions, and I didn't mock you in refernace to the groper I was just wondering because he eats very well. Anyway my wife just called and said that no one is hiding any more or being chased they are all just fine swimming around together.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adamc1303
The grouper is the first fish I got and he isn't growing. Btw here another one about TUCHOVGRAY he killed his queen angel redocarting by dropping a piece of lace rock on her!

looks like you stated that decor was dropped on a fish..


Active Member
One day I will, TUCHOVGRAY and I will open a lfs and ship out some goods to the nice people in this forum the reast of you "you know who you are will be all balcklisted"


New Member
I have been reading posts on this forum for several months now but never decided to join or to post. After reading this one all I have to say is SHAME ON YOU, you'r like my 3rd graders. The kid asked for help so help him out, even if he made a mistake he does not have a new home for the fish other than his nice 90 gallon which you bashed in a differnt thread. Do not attack. The tank may be not natural but it is reall nice. Carshark you answer each and every post on this site and in general you aren't very nice take it easy count to 10. Calling people idiots very babyish!!!!!! Advice relax and try to be more friendly this will be the one and only thread I ever reply to so don't even bother answering back especially you Carshark!!!!!!!


Active Member
I am at work all day, in a place where no one has any idea on tanks, which i love very dearly. this is my passion, i also like to help others, and when they are in these countless times over and over again, asking for help and then do the direct opposite, its rather annoying. I think you are making a broad and general statement, and it is not factual, but none the less, you are entitled to your opinion. I know you will be reading this and I hope you feel better about yourself now.
My biggest concern more than anything else, these fish are not bred in captivity, they are captured in the wild. So when people do idiotic things like stuff their tanks full of fish which half of belong in bigger tanks, utlimately die. what then? the day you figure out how to breed these in captivity and begin to do so, will be the last time i get upset about people being careless with their animals.
I answer a lot of threads youre right. most of which are cool fish pictures, disease treatments, and silly non related things. If i take pleasure in doing so let it be. As far as being mean, its more of a just a frustration of how people let their ignorance get in the way of the hobby.
why ask for help if you continue to do things that obviously arent healthy nor helpful to your hobby, and wasting all of that money and killing a wild breeding animal. Its bad enough that we pull these animals from their natural habitat, why not try to replicate and let them live still a good life.
If you have a passion for something you get involved. I want to try to help people who make mistakes by listening to some, not all, LFS. I made the same mistake when i started and dont want anyone else to do the same..


Active Member
Understandable but I when you made thos mistakes I do not believe you would appreciate such aggreasive responses.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adamc1303
Understandable but I when you made thos mistakes I do not believe you would appreciate such aggreasive responses.
fair enough, my personality is such where I am aggressive. it is hard to actually explain the tone of which I am speaking. most of it may come off as being an _ _ _ hole, granted, but it isnt my intent its more of a frustration. and believe me i did get aggressive responses, because i thought I was different, it isnt happening like that to me, funny( sad actually) part is time did tell...