World War III Tn My Tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Wow that was a long quote...I found this site only a week or so ago but it didn't take long to see who is knowledgeable and who is less than so. There is a TON of great info in here. I agree with you can only try to help for so long, and it shouldn't go so far as to discourage you from trying to help the people who will learn from your experience. I also enjoy the fact that many of us have a sense of humor. It helps ease the tension in here and the whole diver post was hilarious. I wish I had some useful info for the dude squeezing fish into his tank with a shoehorn, but frankly I got so wound up in the humor I forgot who needed help.

shoehorn was funny!


Active Member
even though I just 10 people posted between mine and the one I responded to. Is the site slow to post at times or is it on my computer is screamin fast..not broadband..but dsl and is faster than my other broadband connection. What gives??


Active Member
If you don’t want to listen to people that give good advice then don’t ask questions. It’s obvious by your poor grammar and spelling that you’re just a kid. Please return the new fish you purchased and in the future, please have your parents OK all purchases.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
If you don’t want to listen to people that give good advice then don’t ask questions. It’s obvious by your poor grammar and spelling that you’re just a kid. Please return the new fish you purchased and in the future, please have your parents OK all purchases.


Perhaps if the good advice was related to the question being asked, it would be better received, too many time I see good advice being flamed that is not related to the question being asked...


I agree he made a mistake and put too many fish in his tank over all and at one time.

If you find that people are not heeding your advise how ever sound it may be then stop posting to their threads its just that simple unless of course you are just looking for an arguement.
You know who is truly looking for advise and who isn't. In the beginning he probably was looking for advise but then it turned into well it turn into what ever this is.

darth tang

Active Member
I have a Panther grouper. He was almost four inches when I got him. Now four to five months later he is pushing ten inches. It will not take long for them to grow, unless I own a freak of nature. In which case I will change his name to the Big Show.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I have a Panther grouper. He was almost four inches when I got him. Now four to five months later he is pushing ten inches. It will not take long for them to grow, unless I own a freak of nature. In which case I will change his name to the Big Show.

weeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Contrary to popular belief, mods actually are at other jobs and stop in here just like everyone else does. We don't agree on what posts to follow, etc. We try to do our best and probably risk a lot
It is in large part up to participants, many of whom are self described adults, to control a situation and not let it spiral. I don't believe in closing threads for no really good reason. People did make a good effort, IMO, to lighten things up. When I left here yesterday the thread seemed to have calmed down, and I give credit to those involved at the time.
I would advise people that if they are uninterested in actually solving their issues, to please not start up a thread just because. Don't waste everyone's time, IMO. Either have a problem, and want to get ideas on how to fix it, and be grateful for the time people put in, or just don't ask at all.
A moderator will not always come in and close things down because if done often and rashly, it causes far greater problems. So don't escalate things if someone is having their temper tantrum...just don't answer anymore. Or, better yet, pretend you are all moderators, since in some way you are. YOU have control over the tone of a thread. If it gets nasty, don't excalate it, perpetuate it, or take part...or decide to be the voice of reason. It is far more effective, IMO, to be able to settle some issue, than just lock the thread.

And the person may learn that they can only cry wolf so many times.....because with that tank, with those fish...there WILL be a problem in the future. Maybe no one will care to answer you then.


Active Member
Oh, and BTW, I have a certain expertise having been a scuba diver in various tanks. People LOVE to see scuba divers so no doubt you will have plenty of people come over and talk about it...but be warned, they will also be amazed by bubble algae.
Divers, contrary to popular belief, DO NOT GROW to the size of the tank, and care must be taken to put them into an appropriately sized system or stress will set in. It is also advisable to provide them with a HOOKA system which means they don't need a tank and BC so you can potentially get them in a slightly smaller system.
They are effective at controlling algae, but are also notorious for scratching tanks. If you have an acrylic tank, you should take this into consideration. Also note that divers are surface feeders, so provide floating food. They also can add quite, uh, an ammonia load on the system....also depending on whether it is a cold water or warm water system, and how much coffee they drank.


Hey, I think I remember you from the RO unit discussion. I bought the same model and I have the same issue, like 6 gpd, lol!
Anyway, I am also pretty new to this and I had a couple of questions for you. The reason I am speaking up in this situation is because, when I was 21 it would have killed me to spend all that money on fish and lose them (not mention lose fish friends). I know I can be cash strapped and have thought about things to do in case of problems, so I thought I could share them.
1. Do you have enough cash to buy a large rubbermaid, an inexpensive filter and a heater ($40-70 total probably)? If you have problems that at least might be an option to separate your fish for a while to give them some room. Kind of like a QT but more like a dunce corner for bad fishies Lol. If you have a sump you might even be able to plumb to your sump, since its not really a QT.
2. Can you have your buddy next to you hold some fish in the event of an emergency?
3. How long till you plan to upgrade?
Sounds like a dangerous tank to be a food item! Have fun!


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
One day I will, TUCHOVGRAY and I will open a lfs and ship out some goods to the nice people in this forum the reast of you "you know who you are will be all balcklisted"

HAH! good luck with that, i dont think anyone would buy ---- from you. plus your on SALTWATERFISH.COM's website, so watch your mouth about "selling" fish to fellow board members.


Active Member
Wow, reading this thread makes me think of all the people I talk to on a daily basis at my job, the local animal shelter...
"I don't get it, why won't that dog I adopted get along with my cat?" "I'm sorry, I can't keep this dog I adopted, it barks..." "I need my dog put to sleep, I'm moving into an apartment that doesn't allow animals" "I can't keep my cat anymore, my fiancee is allergic"
Man o man, some people are absolutely brilliant.

soo high

hmm i see trigger and tangs in a 1 gallon tank at the lfs... hmm must have a boring life and alot of people over stock there tank and still manage to keep a good healthy tank but im not saying buy as many fishes u want im saying hey its better then being in a 1 gallon tank
but for reall the bigger the better.. and i made this mistake but i fix it :)


New Member
I'm 15 and am seriously (I know, my spelling is not great) considering a 55g saltwater tank but it wont be till after christmas so no one has to look after it. I know you should use RO water whenever possible but my predicament is I can't afford a system and I don't want to go spend $50 on water from safeway. Would it seriously impact my tank if I used conditioned water to start and then top offs and changes are all RO?
I know that this is not best and you guys strongly advice against it and if you want to flame I totally understand.

Allright, thanks!


Hey adamc1303
Here is your solution being you dont listen to anyone but the voices in your own head !!!which are not doing you any good. Just add 5 or 6 more large fish. Just so the rest of the fish will calm down some.. It will salve all your problems


Active Member
take those fish out and just keep 4-5 of them at most! Bring the tang back to the lfs they need a min.180 gallon they get huge and are exteremly active!! they are so beautiful and its going to die when your tank is full of amonia, and to small


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioman
I'm 15 and am seriously (I know, my spelling is not great) considering a 55g saltwater tank but it wont be till after christmas so no one has to look after it. I know you should use RO water whenever possible but my predicament is I can't afford a system and I don't want to go spend $50 on water from safeway. Would it seriously impact my tank if I used conditioned water to start and then top offs and changes are all RO?
I know that this is not best and you guys strongly advice against it and if you want to flame I totally understand.

Allright, thanks!
Bioman, can you afford to buy RO water at Walmart? Its only .33 a gal. Maybe you can get afew of those 5 gal coolers and start stocking up on water now so when you are able to set up your tank your water will be bought and paid for

If you can't afford this, maybe you should wait till the summer to set up your tank, maybe get a summer job to help with the expenses? I know its hard to wait at your age, i have a 17 yr old son and he still is impatient, not as bad as when he was 15, but he still wants what he wants NOW! SW hobby is very expensive, and i would hate to see you fail due to lack of money. Think about it long and hard before you get into this hobby, don't throw money awayby cutting to many corners, you will be a happier fish keeper someday :joy: