Worlds ugliest tank

bang guy


Originally posted by Jackief1
This makes no sense....inside joke or you just hate blondes???:confused:

My refugium (Bug Tank) during setup:

bang guy


Originally posted by Beth
However, that Barbie isn't blonde, Bang.... :D

I can think of over 100 responses to your statement Beth :eek:
All of them will get me into hot water with you.... and I don't mean a Jacuzzi! LOL


Active Member
See it wasn't a blonde thing at all:D ;) :D
I bumped the thread for nas, forgot about the goofy stuff. Good thing though cause it looks like you guys/gals were really bored tonight.;)
Finally a pic of Thomas for Ryan to put on the webpage:) No wonder Barbie started dating GI Joe:eek:


Active Member
Almost forgot, Nas I don't feed it anything. I just harvest the caulerpa for my tangs the pods, and worms and stomatella's.


Active Member

Originally posted by Jackief1
Ok, I have decided, and this time I am sure.....YOU GUYS ARE NUTS!!! :p :rolleyes: :confused: ;)

only nuts belong here. I mean who else would pay 200$ fror a 1 inch fish you coule not ever eat? when a trip ot red lobster would be less than that for 5 people to eat a whole meal.


just curious--why did bang say not to add BS to the tank sammy has--what problem would there be? I have considered this to--but now that bang says he wouldn't -- I am curious why

bang guy

Sammy was going to add BS eggs. If they're decapsulated first then it's not a big deal but if not then the egg shalls and unhatched eggs make a big ugly mess.
The BS only live for a few days unless you feed a large amount of phyto.


New Member
No thanks, Bang. I have tried too hard and too long to be a part of this little "clique" and I just give up. I am tired of getting stomped on by people who think they know more than they do and by petty females who seem to have nothing better to do than spend all day flirting with men on a SWF BB (you know who you are). I think I will stick to reading only to get info I need and if I don't see what I am looking for, I will go to one of the more friendly, non-cliqueish boards (yes there are some). I did enjoy interacting with some of you here, but to the others, you just aren't worth the headaches.
Who ever chose to delete my posts on this thread obviously did so for some unknown reason. I guess only the elite few are allowed to say somethings while others of us are not.
I will close with this though, you guys are not the "be all, know all" that you think you are. Maybe if you stopped acting so superior sometimes, you would find you could learn even more.


Active Member
Hey guys.....this whole post is old really, and I'm just going to close it. There seems to be too much arguing lately on our page, and I'm guilty myself at times. Jackief1, you are not exactly an outcast.....I seem to piss everyone off lately, so you can be in my clique....probably not a good thing for you though.:D :D