would a blue hippo be mean to a mandarin dragonet?


Active Member
Hey, does anyone think that a Blue hippo tang would beat up on a pair of green striped Mandarin dragonets? the blue hippo tang would be introduced and completely settled before the mandarin comes in ...


Probably not... I have one and he is very skiddish and ignores all of my other fish. My tomato clown picks on him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I don't know of any fish that pick on Mandarins other than other Mandarins.

My sixline picks on my mandarin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I don't know of any fish that pick on Mandarins other than other Mandarins.

Not even Domino Damsels?!!!?

bang guy

Mandarins secrete a mild toxin. The Sixline is getting a nasty mouthful every time it pics on the Mandarin. It's probably getting to worst end of the deal. I once saw a Lionfish nab a Mandarin. It was spit out almost as fast as it was inhaled.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Mandarins secrete a mild toxin. The Sixline is getting a nasty mouthful every time it pics on the Mandarin. It's probably getting to worst end of the deal. I once saw a Lionfish nab a Mandarin. It was spit out almost as fast as it was inhaled.

Cool. He just recently started picking on the mandarin so hopefully he'll stop soon.


Active Member
cool .. thanks everybody .. now do you think that I'll be able to put just one or a pair that the dealer already has in his tank in my 65 gallon .. I don't really want to seperate the pair becuase I don't want to stress them ... any suggestions?

bang guy

Mandarins are really tough but they really need a lot of natural foods to thrive; Ostracodes, Copepods, Isopods, and crustacean larvae. For a 65 gallon to support a pair long term it will need a supplemental refugium to grow food... a large refugium.

bang guy

If you have a lot of live rock with plenty of places for pods to hide & reproduce then your tank could probably support one Mandarin. If you added a good sized refugium then two could do well long term.


Active Member
ok .. if they'll do fine seperated I guess I'll just get one and get about 45 - 50 lbs. more live rock in my tank


we have a 56 gallon with the blue tang and mandarin, my mandarin is about 3 inch. the tang about 2. everyone gets along fine. we have about 80 pound lr and need about 20 more. we hatch our own brine shrimp for feeding the dragonet. :happyfish


Active Member
so does your dragonet eat live brine shrimp? or could I feed it frozen? or does it just live off the things it eats in the sand and on the rock?


i had a purple tang killed my mandrin...
Well he beat up on everybody
so he went to stay with my agressive tank for the week and then went to the lfs
he learned what bullying is reall quick when he tried to pick on my 8 in volitan


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
he learned what bullying is reall quick when he tried to pick on my 8 in volitan


i didnt feel to bad for the purple
he deserved it
and i fed him mysis and gave him an algea clip so its not inhumane
i coulda stuck him down in the reefs 29 gallon sump
but there was plenty of room for his week stay
and i thought it would be good for him to learn that hes not the biggest baddest thing in the entire ocean of tankhood


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jam1e
so does your dragonet eat live brine shrimp? or could I feed it frozen? or does it just live off the things it eats in the sand and on the rock?

The vast majority of mandarins will only eat pods. Brine shrimp also has no nutritional value unless it is enriched.


My Tomato clown also picked on my Mandarin, he was just so defensive of his 1/2/ of the tank, so the tomato went back replaced by an Ocellaris.
I feed my Mandarin live black worms daily and live brine once a week or so when I get to m LFS to purchase them. I also have started buying pods from {edit link}.
and I have over 100 lbs of liverock in my tank, but Most of teh fish and the shrimp also pick off the live rock so it is necessary to replenish the pod supply and provide supplemental feeding if you truly want to treat these little guys right.