Wow! I think I'm in over my head... Help!


Active Member
Looking good!!! I especially like your pink paly, very sweet little colony.
Did the Hippo Tang have ick in the spring? I just found this thread and based on the first pics, he looked like he had some white spots on him. In the last pic he looks good.
Keep up to good work!!!


Wow i remember reading this thread when it first started. Looks like you have come a long way. Your tank looks really good.


Active Member
Looks good. If you scrape some coraline off your nano you can use it to help seed the big tank. Then make sure your Calcium is around 400 and it should take off. As Michael said though, intense lighting could also hinder its growth.


Ya know I'm not all that concerned with coraline growth any more. Mater of fact I would rather not have it. And I actually did have coraline growth in the tank, it was just hard to find (it was hiding in the shady spots) . Since I've been dosing with Kalk though the coraline seems to be spreading.. oh well.
The blue tang is fine now, he gets a little ich every once in a while, I feed garlic, and it goes away. He's one of the few original tank survivors and has been doing well for himself and he loves his two new friends, the yellow and sailfin tangs. They hang out in a little pack.
Thanks for the complements on the tank. I know it just looks stocked and still not much grown but I give it a year and it will fill out great. And the colony of pink zooa's are one of my personal favorites too and I only got it for $20 bucks, killer deal huh?
Thanks, and I'll see if I can get some even more recent pics up for you soon.


I just thought I would stop in and give probably my last update. I've learned allot over the past year and have managed to keep most everything alive and well. Check out the pic and let me know what you think. I am still learning and by no means a pro. And thank you guys all so much for helping me get on my feet with this hobby. I've loved every minute of it (well almost)-
1 Year ago-

And Now-
(don't mind the easter basket, I'm trying to keep my clowns out of my elegance)

Thanks so much


New Member
Great tank...
What are the green/brown pin wheel looking things at the top of this photo?



Originally Posted by bonita69
That is funny you say that, have you had bad problem with RED SEA Salts before? That is what I have been using for years, I just got the new RED SEA CORAL Pro and love it. It was made just for us RO/DI users so it adds back the good what those units strip out. I have always loved the salt.
We use - and always have - Red Sea as well... No issues that we've noticed!


Active Member
Looks good but I would get that Choc Chip star out of the tank....Also you are certainly not over stocked...Personally I think a Twinspot Hogfish and a midas blenny would make a great addition. A hawkfish would be nice as well


Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
Looks good but I would get that Choc Chip star out of the tank....Also you are certainly not over stocked...Personally I think a Twinspot Hogfish and a midas blenny would make a great addition. A hawkfish would be nice as well
Oh don't worry about the chocolate chip star. My two Harlequin shrimp have given him a proper burial. By anestitizing and eating him alive over the past few weeks.
If you didn't know, Harlequins are shrimp that eat only starfish. They stab the star with a 5th leg they have, injecting it with a demobilizing venom. Over a few weeks to a month they stash it away and slowly feed on it. They will also feed the starfish during that time as well to keep him alive for as long as they can. They really are incredible little guys and I don't mind giving them a leg now and again but sometimes I treat them to the whole enchilada (like the pic).
And due to them I can't get a hawkfish. They are prone to eating shrimp and I don't want to take the risk, but a midas blenny would be great.