Bang-I'm not trying to say iodine is needed for sucessful xenia growth, I'd just like to see people post something to back up thier posts. If there are articles or research available on the net about a subject I'm asking about i'd like to actually go and read up about it instead of just taking someone's word for it on the forums. Since we can't use links on this site I'll ususally copy and paste relevent excerpts and state the author of the article so people don't have to take my word for things. I'm suprised how many people don't seem to go outside this site or other message boards to actually look anything up themselves. Even though I do a lot of outside research, I understand that there may be other articles or research that may oppose what i have read.
I am impressed that you've read every research paper written about xenia, since "not one" has proven the benefits of iodine additon. I wish i had that much time

(Yes i am being sarcastic, and yes I am only joking with you).