Xenia Dieing?



Originally posted by wocka
lol w/e. ur just pessamistic

I disagree, but I do get discouraged at hearing about animals dieing.


Okay, Wocka. You really need to loose the 'only listen to <name>' thing. Also, you should get some better lights.


Where did you get your info that they don't need iodine. Every article I've read on xenia say that supplemental iodine is important. I add a capfull to my 50 gal every water change, and my xenia do great (whether this is due to the iodine or not i can not prove at this point).


Active Member
there 10" from the light. and what do u mean by feedings kip? i can place it higher up, but its a pain getting it to stay and not having a powerhead blow too hard on it. so that seems to be the best part


Active Member
crap. so do i need to go to my LFS asap and get a new bulb? what am i looking for. my mom just paid 60$ for my xenia and im not sure if she will spend some 20$


wocka you are such a baby. You are like whinning telling everyone how to keep xenia when yours is dieing? Yes they do a lot better when a lil iodine is added every once in a while. I'm sorry if bang guy didnt tell you that. Do you always listen to everything people tell you? If bang guy said use NaCl instead of instant ocean salt would you listen to him?
So stop being so negative with everyones comments to help you. Yes 65w over a 20g is like pissing on a fire to put it out. You know it and we all know that at least.
We all are trying to help your xenia...so chill out newbie.


xenia do not need much light at all to survive (survive not florish), I have some under a ledge near the sand that get hardly any light at all (I only have 2x96, 46bow). They are much smaller than their fragged brothers, but they still pulse and stay open. It was an accident that they attached where they are but I do not think lighting is the issue. I do not dose with anything either, just regular water changes..
I would suspect something else is off that is causing them to close up. I have noticed when my phosphates start climbing all 3 varieties of xenia I have close up. I also noticed that close right after lights out, probably due to the ph drop. But ime phosphates and ph are the only 2 things that I have seen that cause them to close up.
Im no expert and I know more light would help, but I think its something else in the water chemistry.


Active Member
We all are trying to help your xenia...so chill out newbie.
haha. so many more people have told me and gave me advice that xenia does not need that much light. even people who have them so stfu stop flaming u sob. and no i wouldnt use NaCl i have no clue what that is, im just looking for opinions. and what are u talking about pissing on a fire?? that has nothing to do with it
ps, i probly know more about SWF then u.

salty cheese

Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
ps, i probly know more about SWF then u.

How do you know that? By his post count?
I'm not flaming you, but you do need to slow down and relax, most people on the board do care and will try to help but if you attack them for giving their opinion, then I think you will find that your post will be ignored or worse flamed.
If you didn't mean to flame then why did you post it?


Active Member
becuase i was mad... i heard alot more people saying that would be good then people ranting on about me needing MH.


and no i wouldnt use NaCl i have no clue what that is
Its table salt you idiot....sodium chloride..something you put on your food? Prevents goiters because of the iodine in it....ring a bell?
what are u talking about pissing on a fire?? that has nothing to do with it
Well i'm going to explain this even though i thought i wouldnt have too. See your 65w over your 20g tank really isnt going to do much. Just like pissing on a fire isnt going to put the fire out.
ps, i probly know more about SWF then u
Why because i have'nt been a member here to long and dont come to this board to often because I am busy with schooling? When i get a digital camera i will post pics of my system and you will eat your heart out.
"ps" who writes that anymore anyway? Grow up you cry baby
. Go check on your xenia because i'm sure its not pulsing. :happy:


Active Member
haha.. srry im not a nerd and now the correct name for table salt. my xenia is pulsing. and accually pissing on a fire can put it out, i cant wait to post a pic of my xenia just to shut u up. tool


You're sooo cool can i bum a cig off of ya? I dont even know why you carry them around rolled up in your sleeve. Toughness:cheer:
I bet your xenia looks so special

srry im not a nerd and now the correct name for table salt.
It would be "know"

bang guy

OK let's calm down and look at facts.
Wocka - I may have misled you. I didn't know your 65 watt PC was a Smartlamp. IMO they do not work. Your coral are getting less than 40 watts of light because of the "smart"lamp. It's junk IMO. Blue bulbs are misleading hobbiests all over the world.
Anyone that says that Xenia require MH is not to be trusted in the future to give advice.
ScubaSteve - Most articles say Xenia require Iodine. Not a single scientific research paper indicates that Iodine does Xenia any good. Not one. It's required in trace densities for some Gorgonia, some brown algae, and that's it. Every other animal that requires Iodine need it in it's food according to every research paper I've read. This doesn't make it fact, but I believe the research scientists above Iodine supplement manufacturers and anyone that states it as fact without any research backing it up.


Active Member
u bring up the most random stuff. like me having cigs? im glad for people like u that i cant meet u IRL. if i saw ur car it would be a diff color with no tires punk