Yellow tang with poor color?



Thank you very much slycoolman.
1journeyman- i have been in this hobby for about 7 years and i know alot of things about it. I have been setting up tanks of all kinds and i do not have a need for QT. now if i were to buy offline, yes i would Qt the fish because i do not know how that fish will be once i revieve it. And for the record: my tank does not have ich and is showing no signs of it.
the normal behavor of a tang is for them to pace and graze in the tank. i do not where you get an idea that this tang is STRESSED! the tangs are simply swimming in the open spaces of the tank, as slycoolman said.


One final word... I agree that QT is beneficial, and I would set one up if I had the space and resources. But, I am saying that it is not NEEDED.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SlyCoolman
Excuse me, but from where do you draw this conclusion? ...
Again, certainly no disrespect meant. Your profile doesn't list any experience, and your first post a couple of months ago talked about adding a possible BTA to a 20 gallon reef tank. Normally this is not done by hobbyists with several years fo experience.
If you have a lot of experience, great. I'd love to hear your personal experiences in keeping Tangs. Maybe we can all learn more. That's why many of us are here.


Psst... I added that BTA... I still have him, but he is now in a 33 gallon tank. A thirty three that he was added to the moment it was full. With cured rock of course.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
the normal behavor of a tang is for them to pace and graze in the tank. i do not where you get an idea that this tang is STRESSED! the tangs are simply swimming in the open spaces of the tank, as slycoolman said.
It looks stressed to me from color, the way it is pacing, fact that it runs from Angel, and the fact that it never eats in your video. I'm sitting here watching my small PT swim the length of my tank. It doesn't ever go more than 30 seconds without pecking at the rock, sand or glass. Yours doesn't seem to feed once.
One last time... I'm posting the information that I know in the hope it helps. It's your tank, do with it as you please. I really do wish you lot's of success. I won't be suggesting similar hobbyists follow your example though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SlyCoolman
Psst... I added that BTA... I still have him, but he is now in a 33 gallon tank. A thirty three that he was added to the moment it was full. With cured rock of course.
No, the post I'm referring to your anemone died and you took it out. The first thread you ever posted I believe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
Thank you very much slycoolman.
1journeyman- i have been in this hobby for about 7 years and i know alot of things about it. I have been setting up tanks of all kinds and i do not have a need for QT. now if i were to buy offline, yes i would Qt the fish because i do not know how that fish will be once i revieve it. And for the record: my tank does not have ich and is showing no signs of it.
the normal behavor of a tang is for them to pace and graze in the tank. i do not where you get an idea that this tang is STRESSED! the tangs are simply swimming in the open spaces of the tank, as slycoolman said.
Stop trying to deffend yourself and watch the video and you can see the tang being bullied by the angel .Iits right there plain as day offered up by you as evidence .
I'm sorry to but I have very little belief in your experience . In the last few days you have showed a lack of even basic knowlage of fish keeping . Feeding and QT of new fish basic signs of stressed out fish . Even down to your childish behavior of lashing out at journeyman about the posabilities of your tank having ick . after 6 years you havent fought ick ? If you have you would deffinatly be taking the extra step of a QT . especially if you have as many tanks as you have setting one up as a QT would be simple . But again there are exceptions to the rules and you obviously are the one that has been lucky so far in being the exception to every situation .


the reason the tang is not picking from the side is because i did not put algea on the clips until after i took the video, also my tang is quiet shy as i have posted before and gets quiet nervous when there is a camera with a light shining on the tank!


Crashbandicoot- i could care less if you do not believe that i have been in this hobby for a long time. I would like to know what knowledge i am lacking in regards to feeding and QT.
QT is not necessary to maintain a saltwater tank. like i have posted many times before- i am buying form ONE RELIABLE lfs.
I have no idea what childish behavior you are speaking of- journeyman seems to think the only comment on my tnk is that it is to small and my fish are stressed.
I have fought ich before and fought it with success. i also have a 10 gallon QT set up just in case i have a big problem like a parasite, which i have not needed to use yet and plan on not using ever.


crashbandicoot- i am curious- what size saltwater tanks do you have?


saltman do what you want wait that is all you have been doing anyways. journey and crash and everyone else who have TRIED to help saltman spend your time helping people who actually will listen obviously saltman knows what he is doing LOL and doesnt need help. saltman throw a btt in your 75 when everything is telling you to slow down. to me it is just saad that animals have to suffer when you are trying to save ego
. dont know if you are looking for attention or what but i have a 2 year old that acts the same way. do not want to sound like a **** but if you supposedly know everything then stop asking for help that you will not take anyways. help those who need it and stop feeding into those who just want attention. how could you not know after being in the hobby for 7 years that a fish just introdeuced may take a day or two to start to eat???


sulley- i am awaare that a fish may not eat for a couple days after you into it to your tank. i was simply curious to see if there is something to entise the fish to eat as soon as i could. is there something worng with that?
I think you have a lot of nerve to just pop in and give negative feedback. if you want to join in i have no problem but dont be a **** about it.
i consider ALL feedback, but if someone says that i should do something does that mean i must do it? i dont think so. this is all about opinions and personal experiance, which from reading your first comment you dont have much of!


New Member
I must agree with Saltman on this one.
sulley your comment is pretty strong considering you this is your FIRST comment on this thread.
I am not sure why Saltman is having such a hard time getting POSITIVE feedback.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltdude21
I must agree with Saltman on this one.
sulley your comment is pretty strong considering you this is your FIRST comment on this thread.
I am not sure why Saltman is having such a hard time getting POSITIVE feedback.
He didn't ask for positive feedback. He asked what was wrong with his Tang...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
.....i dont know saltdude21....why would i lie about that?
Creating and posting from multiple accounts is against forum rules and is a potentially bannable offense. I will send you a PM explaining further.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
crashbandicoot- i am curious- what size saltwater tanks do you have?

In the past I kept a 125 that started as a shark and ray tank then progressed into havin various triggers , puffers , a yellow tang , and a snowflake eel . I also had a 5 gallon nano reef . As well as a twenty gallon QT tank . After getting divorced I added a 75 FOWLR that I kept a small picaso trigger and a green wolf eel in . I gave away the 125 when I had to move into a place that was to small for mulitple tanks . So as of this moment I have a 75 gallon that is awaiting stock , 5 gallon hex nano , 20 gallon QT and As of this weekend I will be adding another 6 gallon nano for a mantis tank to the list of tanks and in a few months a 24 gallon nano for a peacock mantis will be added to the list .
thanks for trying though . If you would like I can go into all the fresh water tanks I have had over the years
Arrowana's and pacus , various chichlids , clown knifes , channel cats .