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Where do you nutcase liberals come up with these crackpot what if scenarios? Seriously?
They are the same ones, over and over. They don't make sense. They ignore any inconvenient fact. It is just nauseating sometimes how senseless most liberal argument really are.
If I'd been in Bama with a CHL and had taken out the guy with the illegal weapon. I wouldn't have gone to jail.
If ever person in Bama carried a weapon, that guy would have had about 5 seconds to get some rounds off, then everyone in that room would have blown his head off. The situation would have ended. Right there and then. He wouldn't have been able to leave and go to another location and shoot some more. It is just common sense.
When the cops finally showed up, people's gun would have been back in their holster and their would have been any issue...
Why do you always have this liberal/conservative argument? Why is everything you don't agree with a 'liberal issue' or a 'liberal problem'? Seems like in this scenario, you're making a lot of assumptions. Do you actually know Alabama law regarding shooting someone? You live in Houston, you yourself said in some other gun debate you couldn't just 'blow someone away' without just cause. Your logic makes no sense. Take about nauseating.
Let's look at this Alabama incident. You make this big talk that if you'd been there, the guy would've been dead in 5 seconds by you 'blowing his head off'. So a hoard of policemen hit the scene and hear massive gun fire. They see this nut job whose already capped 5 or 6 people, aiming his gun at another victim. You are standing there with your weapon drawn, ready to take the situtation into your own hands. How are the police supposed to know who the nut job is? You got some big sign on you that says 'Law Abiding Concealed Weapon Holder. I'm The Good Guy."? You could be one of the shooters as far as they know. Why do you think you have the legal right to shoot someone if they are not threatening your life directly? If this guy had his back to you shooting at someone else, and you shot him dead in the back, you think you have the right to do this? And it's hilarious that you think that you could shoot this guy, put your gun back in your holster, then stand there and say "I dunno" when the cops asked what happened. Think maybe they'd do some ballistic reports to see what bullet killed the guy? You got proof you shot the guy in self defense? Sorry, but I've seen this scenario come up before on the news, and the 'good guy' got prosecuted for murder. He didn't get some heroes medal or pat on the back. What you call liberal minded, I call common sense.