You are a sick group of people


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I have a hole in the middle of my back big enough to stick my whole thumb in.
Does that count? Not an illness, just an injury.
I hope that people are not in the habit of sticking their thumb in there. I know you go to some wild parties and hang with a tough crowd, so it could be a cool party trick. But dang, I hope not!!!
And I hope it is on the road to recovery!!!


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
I found out that I have a brain tumor this year. It sucks...crippling headaches.
OMG I am sooo sorry to hear that....If you don't mind me asking...what treatment are you doing?


Active Member
Well to make a very long story short (it's hard to type on an itouch) I have had bad migranes for my whole life and in the begining of this last school year the headaches became more and more intense untill I insisted that my parents take me to a doctor. After several opinions I was basically told that I had sesonal fall and spring migranes and there was nothing I could do about it. Yes, there is actually a condition where for some strange reason people get migranes without fail every year during this time. I was also told it might be tension headaches. So I took a precautionary MRI, not expecting to find anything so everyone was suprised when something showed up. We found out after a while that it's benign which definatley took a load off my chest and nobody really knows what it is exactly. It's either a rathkys cleft cyst or a cranialpharyngioma on my pituitary gland, either way I have had it since I was born and it needed to come out eventually. The reason for the headaches that were so painful in the begining of the year was because it hemorraged and bled into my brain.
So during the school year we went to see dozens of doctors and surgeons and have taken so many blood tests and mris and endocrineology (sp.) and vision and every other type of test that I was missing at least 3 days of school a week at some point and I was begining to feel like a pincoushion and it was hard to keep up my grades at school from missed work... Not to mention the phsycological part. Anyway after all this we were ready to schedual the surgery when my mom decided to see one last doctor before setting the date because the docor that would be performing the surgery and the one I wanted to see were in the same practice. We all knew this last opinion was going to be the same as the others so we didn't feel like paying the $350 copay or whatever it was to hear more of what we know. It turns out the last one had suggested that we try medication to cope with the hormone levels and see if that would help, being on the pituitary gland my hormones were all out of Wack. Although some of the other doctors and I were skeptical of it just delaying the surgery and allowing it to grow and effect my optic nerve, we tried it anyway. So I began taking half of a tiny pill 2 times a week, which was raised to a full pill and now one and a half twice a week. My levels Are getting much better now, not perfect yet, but at least it's a lot better then surgery. I just got another MRI (after I saw the transformers premier and only got 45 min of sleep on a train that night lol) taken and I got thecresults back saying that I can continue taking the meds for a whole year before any more tests or surgery so we'll go from there once a year is up. So that's my story so far and I guess I'm just pretty thankful at this point haha.


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
I'm just kidding, but I've been thinking a lot about sicknesses lately. I've been sick a lot this year, 2 uti's, stomach flu, a cold, and now I managed to get bronchitis and a sinus infection at the same time
I didn't even know that was possible.%%
Now, compared to you guys I've only lived a fraction of the amount of time you have. So here comes the point of this thread...
I know that this illness isn't that bad but would like reassurance. So by you guys telling me about when you had it worse, I will feel better (in theory).
So what was the worst illness you have ever endured (feel free to include more than one)?

do you eat fast food? or processed food?


Active Member
Panic Disorder
Endometriosis (surgery corrected)
Thoracic Outlet syndrome (surgery corrected)
Chemical burns in lungs
But I rarely get colds or the flu. I guess I need a break somewhere.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Well I will be thinking about you and praying for you....please keep me informed on how you are doing

Originally Posted by gypsana
Put me on that list as well.
Thanks guys

Originally Posted by gypsana

Panic Disorder
Endometriosis (surgery corrected)
Thoracic Outlet syndrome (surgery corrected)
Chemical burns in lungs
But I rarely get colds or the flu. I guess I need a break somewhere.
jeez thats a lot. How do you get chemical burns in your lungs


Active Member
Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
Thanks guys

jeez thats a lot. How do you get chemical burns in your lungs

I worked in a warehouse as the shipper and they were laying new asphalt in our parking lot and the fumes concentrated in my area because I was by a dock door. It sucked!! (and I couldn't for months)


so some thing to put out there for all the lung problems TAKE CARE OF IT go to the hospital and TAKE YOUR MEDS I did not think much of having bronchial problems off and on while in my teens (was a teen and just thought I was sick) now my kidneys don't work!!! I'm not saying that this WILL happen to you but now that I know how many ways you can loose your kidneys some of you know what it's like to have a "uncureable" condition and I'm sorry good luck but if your just really sick than look into things becaouse it can allways get worce


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Unless you have mined in volcanoes for upwards of 30 years, I'm not buying it.
it's a good thing you have lots of people that look up to your tanks and I hope you have friends because I have a hard time understanding how you do with the things you say!!


Active Member
Should this turn into our running "thoughts and prayers" thread
We've got some real fortitude :) Anyway, my thoughts and prayers to the rest of you at least!!! Hang in!!!
Just got back from my vocal cord injections. I am on voice rest so I don't know how it has worked. My voice won't be 100% but it will be better than it was. And we'll see over the coming months if it will improve, or not, in which case....
Another surgery! (I hope it is at a different outpatient center, I'm doing a tour of sorts). If you are in the area, the new one at the north cypress medical center is tops so far

Also, you know you've married the right guy when you can basically mime "venti mocha frappachino"


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Should this turn into our running "thoughts and prayers" thread
We've got some real fortitude :) Anyway, my thoughts and prayers to the rest of you at least!!! Hang in!!!
Just got back from my vocal cord injections. I am on voice rest so I don't know how it has worked. My voice won't be 100% but it will be better than it was. And we'll see over the coming months if it will improve, or not, in which case....
Another surgery! (I hope it is at a different outpatient center, I'm doing a tour of sorts). If you are in the area, the new one at the north cypress medical center is tops so far

Also, you know you've married the right guy when you can basically mime "venti mocha frappachino"

And I hope all goes well for you.