You know your a fishkeeper when...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
I was looking at stuff last night about fish and their is a
You know your a fish keeper when you goto the lenghts he went too. he built a whole new house for a 52,000 gallon fish tank and another 15,000 gallon fish tank..
You know your a fishkeeper when you need a backhoe and a 20 man crew to build your new fish tank....
look it up it is insane...
holy ----. That's ----ing huge!!!!
I want one.


Hahahaha, good thread.
You know you're a fishkeeper when you have spent more on your fish tank in one year than you did on your wedding rings, wedding dress, wedding reception AND honeymoon COMBINED....
You know you're a fishkeeper when you find out you're going to have a baby and instead of planning out baby names, etc, you're trying to figure out how to incorporate a fish tank into the nursery decor


You know your a fish keeper when
Your friends go to window chalk your car without you knowing, and the only thing they can think to write is "Saltwater fish B****" on your back wondow.. (personal experience)
You just decide not to ask your roommates if its ok to set up saltwater fish tanks in the house. they wont notice the difference in the electric bill right?


You know you're a fishkeeper when you order pizza and the delivery guy BEGS to come in your house to see the tank, and then proceeds to stare at it for so long that the pizza place calls you to see if your pizza has been delivered yet. .... True story
You know you're a fishkeeper when you're offered a job at 3 of the 5 closest fish stores to you.
You know you're a fishkeeper when you spend your Friday nights at the local reef club meeting instead of going to your friends party.


This may be my new favorite thread... It cracks me up to read these, go through and on i would say 95% of them say yup.. thats me.. Check, thats me... haha yeah im glad im not the only one!


HAHAHA You know your a fishkeeper when you are trying to find a costume for a halloween party this year, and you are seriously considering being nemo.... lol sexy nemo
True story.


Originally Posted by Katiebug545 http:///t/309627/you-know-your-a-fishkeeper-when/40#post_3422331
HAHAHA You know your a fishkeeper when you are trying to find a costume for a halloween party this year, and you are seriously considering being nemo.... lol sexy nemo
True story.
OH MY .........
I don't know what to say to that....


Lol college costume party :p
Thats one way to be original.
You know your a fishkeeper when you try not to tear up when a fish that you got attached to passes away.


Active Member
LOL.. this thread is great!!! And reminds me of, well, me!
You know your a fishkeeper when....
your on these threads at 12:56 AM....
You know your a fishkeeper when...
you put on your clothes, brush your teeth, and then eat breakfast while your looking at your new updates in the morning.


You know you're a fishkeeper when you have to get a smartphone to visit SWF during the day because your job blocked it from the office computer...


Active Member
You know your a fish keeper when you have had this conversation.
Wife: I want to get that fish...
Me: You can't it will eat everything in my tank....
Wife: You never like the fish I like!
(hours later)
Me: Can I come to bed now!

rainbow grouper

Active Member
you know you're a fish keeper when
your tank is really stressing you out and to relieve the stress you go to the LFS and buy the biggest tank they have and the biggest most expensive fish they have.
When guests come round you give them a tour of your 52 gallon tank that takes an hour then sit there next to your biggest fish tank and give them a tour that takes 2 hours and then sit there for a further 3 hours explaining the complex mechanics of maintaining a saltwater fish tank (extension to put it simple, you never get the same guests twice)
P.s i do seriously spend an hour giving guests a tour of our 140 and then spend About half an hour explaining reefing to them but then they get bored and walk away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rainbow grouper http:///t/309627/you-know-your-a-fishkeeper-when/40#post_3422412
you know you're a fish keeper when
your tank is so much stress your on the point of suicide and to stop yourself you go to the LFS and buy the biggest tank and the most expensive fish they have.
You should be fairly serious about SWF, but not to that extent. There are other things in life that are more important than that.
BTW, I love your new profile pic!


New Member
You know your a Fish Keeper when:
You will not let your spouse see your visa bill
When your spouse is out of town you sneak in another tank.
When your hubby is with you you send him to Princess Auto because you know he will be at least an hour or so.
When you tell same hubby I need to pick up minnows so you can see what new stuff came into the LFS.
When you tell your spouse those fish I have had them for ages you must have not noticed.
When you get a bank loan to fix up the Bathroom you make sure there is enough for a little extra for the fish room.
When you go on Vacation you look in the yellow pages for all the stores in that city.
You go camping just so you can look for rocks and driftwood
When your fish eat better and more healthy then you do.
When you have to wade through the freezer full of fish food to find something for dinner.
When you give your friends advice on there tank and they wont take it so you think well I should be getting that tank in a few months.


You know you are fish keeper when:
The hubby sits down with his rulers, pencil and paper to draft a new room addition just for the tank and all that goes with that. (Because the dining room is no longer available to eat in)
The hubby wants to know how I went from one tank to three in a matter of six months (DT, QT & just for fun one)
When I come home late from work, knows I stopped at the LFS.