You know you're addicted when.......


Active Member
when its 1:00 in the morning and your shining a flashlight in the tank to see little bugs(pods)
when they know you in all lfs's in your city
when you go to more than three lfs's in search of that special rock to fit in that little gap between 2 other rocks, to put your coral on
were crazy :jumping: :jumping:
:cheer: :cheer:

sinner's girl

If you have more than one tank, if instead of saving for a house/car/college you're saving for a bigger tank...


Active Member
When you put the "styrofoam" container in the car and your wifes says;" I thought we were going to the "Home Improvement" store, and I say, .............."Yea, that's why I have the box".


Active Member
when you run downstairs to check on your tank every 5 minutes
when you have company over, instead of cleaning the house you clean the tank


Active Member
When you get to the LFS, you ask your kid "Got any cash on ya"? HA!
When you get inside, you hand your kid a $100 and say,"Don't let me spend this"!

darth tang

Active Member
You spend more money on "food" for your tanks averaged daily than your own fridge.
When the freezer side of your fridge is labelled "fish only"
When you have a power outage and the first thing out of your mouth to the electric company is "Do you know I have saltwater tanks? Do you know how much they are worth? When are you going to get power back to my tanks?"
That last one was true, nevermind I have kids and dogs and food in the fridge and other freezer that might go bad.


When you have a web cam setup pointed at the tank so you can check on your fish while you are at work.