Zoa ? IDK ?? ID Please


i dont really know what they are, or where they came from.
i noticed the first about 9 months ago.
i watched it slowly travel in my tank nothing major, about 2 inchs a day.
now have about a dozen in my tank
these two are the closet together.
for the most part they seem to stay alone.
these two are 7/16 wide, the biggest in my tank
the are pleaseing to the eye
the arms on them are round i cant reslly tell it in the pic


Ok after looking up on that mojano.that is a positive id . now what do I so? I think they look nice.. should I eradicate them? control population? is the only down side that they spread?


YES....ERADICATE them....they will spread and totally take over your tank smothering anything in their way
Joe's Juice has always worked for me
Some people inject them with boiling water, some inject them with lemon juice.....for some odd reason NOTHING worked for me but the J-Juice

bang guy

They can multiply fast and crowd out coral, that's pretty much the only problem with them. By fast I mean 1 goes to 15 month 1 and then to 300 month 2. If you want to try to maintain just a few it can be done but I consider it risky.
To remove them they can simply be scraped off with a fingernail or piece of wood (chopsticks work).


Like I stated earlier they been in my tank for about a year now
I think if I look really hard I can prob find ten tops....
I got a small cluster of pink zoa about two weeks ago and the colony almost doubled in size ( from 5 polys to 9 now )
Would these zoa be a prob because they grow faster than mojano ?
I'll prob not huh cause the zoa stay with the colony and the mojano roams solo

bang guy

If those Mojano haven't been reproducing I see no issue with keeping some and just controlling the population. They do crawl, just fair warning.


I have seen them crawl, about two inch a day
The two in the pic are the only two together
I'll start watching them closer
I really like their colors
I write (dry erase marker) on my tank how big and how many of my coals I got
I'll count them tonight and add them to the list
If I start seeing more I will start the removing some
I never spot feed them don't really see them eating much
Must be the light


Active Member
I know this thread is a little old, but I feel the need to share this picture I took.


Wow wow that's crazy
Mine don't have those tentacles like that
Like I stated I have had mine for a while now
My zoa grow faster then them
Should I remove my zoa ?
I'm not going to remove my zoas
but over a 50 years I think the zoa will win not what's in the pic above
1 new polys like every other month
My pink zoas are doing like 1 new poly a week


Been keeping an eye on them after all the reply on this forum I went to count how many I had and could only find 4 ... its been a couple of weeks and I can only find 2 now ... they might of creeped somewhere new but they were pretty settled they were where they wanted to be ... maybe something is eating them or their life cycle is shorter then the speed they reproduce (in my tank) . I decided to keep them .. I'm going to start feeding them even to see if they will reproduce it really I want the ones I have now to get bigger anyone know how big they get ?