zoanthid club


I am a professional web developer and could easily setup a website with a forum board and a storefront. The idea would be that the forum board would be used to trade and the storefront would be for those that are selling (cheap prices since all buyers would have to be club members).
If you are a club member then you would be able to upload your zoos directly into the online store including photos and you can set your own prices. When you signup as a club member you provide your Paypal account id (for receiving money, the id will not allow anyone to log into your account or withdraw any money including the site admin). Then when someone buys your zoo(s) from the online store, the money goes straight into your Paypal account and all you have to do is ship the zoo(s).
This would take a bit of custom programming to get running so there would need to be fees to cover this but with over 100 members already, the fees could be paid in membership dues or perhaps $1 for every sale through the site could go to site development /maintenance.
If the SWF mods think this violates any competitor rules then please delete this post.


Originally Posted by vbsaltydog
I am a professional web developer and could easily setup a website with a forum board and a storefront. The idea would be that the forum board would be used to trade and the storefront would be for those that are selling (cheap prices since all buyers would have to be club members).
If you are a club member then you would be able to upload your zoos directly into the online store including photos and you can set your own prices. When you signup as a club member you provide your Paypal account id (for receiving money, the id will not allow anyone to log into your account or withdraw any money including the site admin). Then when someone buys your zoo(s) from the online store, the money goes straight into your Paypal account and all you have to do is ship the zoo(s).
This would take a bit of custom programming to get running so there would need to be fees to cover this but with over 100 members already, the fees could be paid in membership dues or perhaps $1 for every sale through the site could go to site development /maintenance.
If the SWF mods think this violates any competitor rules then please delete this post.
I think you should design it if you are a professional web developer. I also think that sound like a good idea for the site.All we need is to do is see what other members think and make sure it is all right with the mods. I still like the idea of advertising swf.com if not swf.com forums section.


If SWF leaves links to the zoo club site in the forum then I would be happy to place SWF banner ads in high profile places on the zoo club site to maintain a healthy relationship between the two sites.


I looked at all of the suggested names for the domain and everything with frag in it is already taken and leads to poorly designed sites so the site has been registered as saltwatertrader.com and should be visible within 24 hours of this posting. I am going to build the forum board first so everyone can give their input as to what they would like to see on the site as it is developed and more and more features come online. The trader driven storefront will be developed after the forum is setup.


Originally Posted by wrestler12
Here is my attempt at uploading my Zoas:

Taken with a crap camera/ PS auto levels / MH 10K
wrestler12, sorry to tell you but that is a RPE morph. PPE can go for 80 bucks a polyp broski. i have a small colony, i you guys are interested in a few months. im growin them out, i can prolly to 2-3 polyps of PPE for 100.


New Member
I'll have to wait a few more weeks to really tell about PPE. I'm sure it's not an RPE unless there are RPE's out there that have green skirts that I haven't seen yet. I traded for these and have questioned whether they a true or not. Since this photo was taken the faces have purpled up and the skirts are greener. I'll PM you a link to the mother colony as I don't want to drag my source into a catfight, lol. LMK what you think. Oh, yeah... when they close up the stripes atound the closed paly are green too. On my RPE's the stripes are white.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vbsaltydog
I am a professional web developer and could easily setup a website with a forum board and a storefront. The idea would be that the forum board would be used to trade and the storefront would be for those that are selling (cheap prices since all buyers would have to be club members).
If you are a club member then you would be able to upload your zoos directly into the online store including photos and you can set your own prices. When you signup as a club member you provide your Paypal account id (for receiving money, the id will not allow anyone to log into your account or withdraw any money including the site admin). Then when someone buys your zoo(s) from the online store, the money goes straight into your Paypal account and all you have to do is ship the zoo(s).
This would take a bit of custom programming to get running so there would need to be fees to cover this but with over 100 members already, the fees could be paid in membership dues or perhaps $1 for every sale through the site could go to site development /maintenance.
If the SWF mods think this violates any competitor rules then please delete this post.
i'm not professional, i'm only 14, but i do do web security with all keganskandy.com websites. i could help with security, ad i'm great at running forums


Active Member
what would also be col is a website store, i could run if needed, where people can send me there frag pic and info, and i can, or anyone else, add it to the store, or just have a forum for frag trading...
club jackets, now that sounds cool


SaltyDog, youre the man. Way to take action. I like your idea for the store front. I've never seen anything like that on the net. I think its going to be a success.


Originally Posted by SaltyCrab
SaltyDog, youre the man. Way to take action. I like your idea for the store front. I've never seen anything like that on the net. I think its going to be a success.

Id like to be apart of this ground breaking opening , I have nothing in corals rite now,just starting out, I can buy-also when mine grow i will able to trade what i have. All the ideas that everyone contibuted are great im sure this is going to be a success.


The site is up and should be accessible by most people worldwide by now. I have set the site to go straight to the forum board while I setup the storefront. You can get there by going to http://www.******. I need for you guys to register and post some ideas in the suggestions forum for what other trading forums should be added. (Ex. zoanthias, polyps, etc.)
sorry but listing other sites is against the board rules