zoanthid club

coral keeper

Active Member
Is there a User CP on the new site? How do you post a avatar on that site?
Tell me more!! Again the site is fantastic!!!!!!!


I'm glad to see everyone is enjoying the first phase of the site. I am going to be adding some of the suggested forums today and I think I will install a photo gallery too since most of you use photobucket and link to your photos. This gallery will be local on the site so you wont have to go to photobucket, upload your pic, go to SWT link to photobucket, etc. Plus the photo gallery software that I will be using is VERY powerfull including the ability for visitors to vote on photos and leave comments.
I will update this board when I have made the changes to SWT.


I have added a photo gallery into SWT that is fully integrated with the forum board. When you log into the forum board, you are automatically logged into the photo gallery and vice versa. There is a link to the photo gallery in the main menu of the forum board and there is a link to the forum board in the main menu of the photo gallery. Users can create their own personal photo albums in the photo gallery or post to public photo albums. You can also attach photos to your posts in the forum board so come by and upload some images into the very powerful photo gallery at SWT. http://www.*****


People are starting to come by and sign up and even post photos in the forum threads and photo gallery (preferred). I have setup the basic forums now and the photo gallery is fully operational. Come by and have a peek. The next step is the storefront.


Active Member
your gonna need some forum moderators. i'm pretty good with forums, i know how to do all of the things on nearly every forum type, and i've lways been good with modding


this thread went from tradig zoos to a new website. the boards rules are you can not post links to other sites or BB so this topic is closed.
you can email admin for their direct responce on the matter if you wish but until then the rules are the rules!