Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!


Active Member
Weird I see a one sided conversation! Did waterpolo's posts get erased or something? :thinking:


Active Member
Here is the awesome zoanthid rock I picked up today at my LFS (Rick's Reef).

Zoanthid Colony #18
I named it colony 18 since I had skipped that number originally.

Here are a couple of closer shots:

Zoanthid Colony #18

Zoanthid Colony #18


Active Member
nice pics, i wish i could make enough $$ so i could go to the LFS 20X a week and get coral EVERY time, but heyy, its tough being 13


Active Member
hey candle, where you run off to?? you been gettin anymore zoos or anything? check of your competition(jaja...jk) thread and see the nice bright ones


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
hey candle, where you run off to?? you been gettin anymore zoos or anything? check of your competition(jaja...jk) thread and see the nice bright ones

did ya get the new list bronco?


Active Member
oh and hey, i like the propagation video in your website, however i hate how he does zoos...surely there is a better way right? i mean i would think taking a scrapper would have a low survival rate, slicing into them and what not...you ever do it take way? OCEANA was supposed to create a thread for me, but OCEANA has not!


Active Member
hey, i did...those...shoot, i cant remember which, well all are soooo amazing, you ever want to try trading? once i get some frags of mine, or not interested in more zoos


Active Member

Originally Posted by Bronco300
oh and hey, i like the propagation video in your website, however i hate how he does zoos...surely there is a better way right? i mean i would think taking a scrapper would have a low survival rate, slicing into them and what not...you ever do it take way? OCEANA
was supposed to create a thread for me, but OCEANA
has not!

hahaha ok ok. i am sending out the new stuff today so i will havge to frag alot of stuff. i will have my wife take pics.


Active Member
sweet! I'll be looking forward for the play by play method of the great oceana zoo keeper
or if you want to take a video that would be sweet to, to put on swf somewhere


Active Member
oh,and take a look at my thread to see if you like anything...or at least to see my zoo collection dedicated partly to you and your collection,lol



Active Member
hey bronco do u trade any i have some xenia if u liek and maybe a sps if u want. Let me know what you want and i would try to get it. I think i live close to u.


Active Member
hey, no, i already have my xenia lot...and i can't have sps in my tank, just have pc lighting, thanks though...i'm mostly looking for zoos