Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!


Active Member
Here is colony #2, almost 2 months after I first put them in the tank, they are actually starting to open regularly. I had a hell of a time finding a spot that they liked as far as light and current. Now that I am running VHO only they seem to have perked up a LOT:

I have them on the bottom of the tank, in the shade in a low flow spot. Yeesh!


You can't see me but I'm giving you a standing ovation . Oh, I'm also looking for your adress so I can sneak into your house at night and do a little something I like to call "operation frag relocation"


It must be so nice to be able to go to one of the LFS and pick a coral. Unless my LFS start to carry coral anytime soon I'll be ordering them.


Ya it's British Columbia
. There's a really nice shop down in burnaby, It's about a 20 minute drive from downtown Van. But we are only there about twice a year and driving home with coral in a bag for 15 hours isn't my cup of tea or the coral's I imagine :thinking:. Luckly though their coral is cheaper than anywhere that I've found (and I've researched the heck out of this) but they make up for it in their $45 a shipment


Active Member
As long as it wasn't cold it wouldn't be too bad, but it would ba a pain having to worry about them during the trip.


Originally Posted by wax32
Here is colony #2, almost 2 months after I first put them in the tank, they are actually starting to open regularly. I had a hell of a time finding a spot that they liked as far as light and current. Now that I am running VHO only they seem to have perked up a LOT:

I have them on the bottom of the tank, in the shade in a low flow spot. Yeesh!

Do those require lots of light or something?


Originally Posted by wax32
Here is a brand new shot of my blenny, cozy as a clam:

I love this pic! Is he inside a clam or a shell?


Active Member
Wax, I think my mail is messing up again, I can't send you an e-mail, but I saw you got my e-mail with the link to the pic.
BUT if you go to the link, and right click, and go to properties, then the URL should be there. Just take out the "tripod." and everything after the "com"


Active Member
Originally Posted by waterpolo
Do those require lots of light or something?
Absolutley the opposite, read where I have them! Or were you being sarcastic?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
HEY, WAX what happened to colony #3. it goes from 2-4 lol u missed a number
Very observant.

I explained somewhere in the thread I skipped a couple numbers. I went ahead and numbered the Parazoanthus
colony as #3 now:

Zoanthid Colony #3


Active Member
Originally Posted by MyThrenody
I love this pic! Is he inside a clam or a shell?
A dead T. crocea. I leave it in tank as a reminder that I have a lot to learn!