Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!


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So I know you that guys are thinking, "It's been a while since you posted any zoanthid pictures..."
Here ya go:

Actinic Zoanthids
If you look close, you can find 4 frags starting to grow out in the picture.


Active Member
ahhhh, now i see the eggcrate, for some reason i was thinking you were puttin the eggcrate all across it, not just at the ends.


Active Member
Oops. You are right fedukeford, I cropped out one accidently!

There is a small Eagle Eye frag above the yellow ones with the orange skirts.


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Here is a shot where you can see a couple of zoanthid colonies and my dottyback, under actinics:


Active Member
Not really, just a trick of the actinics and my photoshop skills not being able to pull the true color that I am seeing.
The fish is a chromatic magenta, it is hard to focus your eyes on him he is so colorful. The middle rings in the zoanthids are actually orange.


Active Member
The 10k bulbs just came on. Did I mention how much I really like the new look of the tank? I'll see if I can get a good picture...


Active Member
That is a saweet link! Dang....now I am going to be looking at it for hours!
Sweet pics wax! Love em!
Do you ever keep any "not reef safe" hermits?


Active Member
The crab database?
Not intentionally. I did just get three new types of hermits. One of which is a Clibanarius
sp., like the blue legs and mexican red tips, and the other two I have no idea... we'll see!


Originally Posted by wax32
Ok, got a decent shot. This is the common "Blue Leg" Hermit Crab. It comes from the Carribean and is the most commonly kept "cleaning crew" species.
Clibanarius tricolor

I have caught tons of those in they Florida Keyes.


Active Member
Perfect as usual

Just kidding :hilarious Oh and for all you who want frags - I put in my bid about a couple months ago.

WAX you have the most AWESOME stuff :cheer:
I guess I need to start a thread so you can see my zoos


Active Member
I recently picked up a small frag of baby blue centers with lime green skirts. Put them on the san bed under the halides and they started losing color.....so I moved them to the PC tank and the color is brightening once again. What gives? I am still waiting to hopefully get the color back in the other blue and green zoos I lost under the PC lights.
So in this lesson I learned that each zoanthid is different in their light needs.
But really though....so I will have a TON of new zoas coming in soon, some frags may have doubles so I plan on splitting them between the MH tank and the PC tank and take notes on what happens. The saga continues.......

Nice acquisitions Wax.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Thanks guys. This is my first time trying these. I hope they do well for me.

good luck
they love a dirty tank. some people have great luck but in most tanks they just fade away to nothing