Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!


Active Member
I seem to have skipped 3 and 18 when I was numbering these for my website. Counting those 2 plus the two that died I have 26 different frags/colonies of zoanthids.
I'll be updating these and also I'll give info about how they are changing in regards to colors VS the kind of light they are under.
All of these were under 250w 20000k metal halide and 150w of actinic VHO before I upgraded to my new lights this week (as stated in the first post of this thread). I am hoping they will color up nicely.
Thanks for following along!


Active Member
Penatly: skipping zoos
"showing" zoos(that are not really shown)
Punishment: send three colonies of zoos to Bronco300
Thank you for playing, come again.


LOL i'll have to agree w/you Bronco
WAX! you need to stop. LOL i dont have a plastic cover on my keyboard and your pics are going to cause a short!!! "drool"


Active Member
All of the pictures I just showed are still in my tank, so yes. #24 and #25 are both "fire and ice".
Please note that they change colors BIG TIME depending on light. #24 is higher in the tank than #25, but only by about 6 inches.


Originally Posted by wax32
Thanks guys. This is my first time trying these. I hope they do well for me.
Looks like they are.


Active Member
Wax- I may have an ID for you on hiker crab you showed in the last thread....check out Uca crassipes- Fiddler crab.
edit: Nope upon a second look NOT a Fiddler.


Active Member
VERY NICE WAX32!!! Love the web site!!! You got me in to the Zoo's, never much cared for them prior to seeing your original thread of Eyecandy!!! Man now I am searching high and low to find some Zoo's that would be 1/4 as nice as what you have!!!! Very nice man!!!


Active Member
Thanks guys.
fishboy, about 7 hours, I'm in the New Orleans area.
Yeah fishmamma, for sure not a fiddler, those are tidal and come ashore. This kind of crab only lives in Acropora


Active Member
Update on the lights situation....
The zoanthids are liking the 380w of actinic. I see new polyps popping up after only a week or so!
I am only running my halide for 5 hours a day now. This weekend I am thinking about swapping out the halide for 285w of VHO, 2 10k and 1 actinic as far as bulbs go. So then my full on daylight hours would be 475w of actinic and 190w of 10k all VHO.


Active Member
haha, well isnt that just great!!!! only 5 hours huh? i got some new items too, but not off already existing corals,lol


How hard are they to keep? What kind of lighting do you use? Are they more nitrate tolerant then other corals?. I would never keep them in my 75. Trates too high, nasty hermits and i only have 80 watts of light. Maybe on my 28g, 150 watts , 2 clowns , brittle star and anenome. What do you think. I would appreciate it if you could help me out. Email me at popnfrresh - gmail.com