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  1. juniors04

    quick question about tangs and fish suggestion thread

    If you really want a nice healthy Blonde Naso I would think about getting it from this site. You might want to upgrade to a bigger tank for a Naso. 75 gallon might be a little small. But its possible short term.
  2. juniors04

    Just ordered 4 fish from SWF

    I could but adding those 4 fish to a 25qt gallon might be pushing it. I will monitor them.
  3. juniors04

    Just ordered 4 fish from SWF

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer WOW...those are beautiful fish too......can't wait to see them Yeah Lots of Color being added to the tank. Im thinking im going to QT the Raccoon and Copperband.
  4. juniors04

    Just ordered 4 fish from SWF

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth That is an awesome looking dog you have there in your avatar. What kind is it? I hope you have a rather large tank for all the fish you selected?! Thanks beth his name is Rico! He is a Siberian Husky. Im actually going to buy a female this summer. I want to try...
  5. juniors04

    Just ordered 4 fish from SWF

    Hello guys its been a long time since ive posted on here. I just placed a order in. Its been over 10 months sice ive added somthing new. I ordered a Long nose butterfly, Copperband BF, Racoon BF, and a Rock beauty angel. All of them no bigger than 3 inches. i will try and get some pics up when i...
  6. juniors04

    Just bought another Tank

    Yeah it has overflow. It comes with 2 sumps, Protein skimmer, external pump, stand, canopy, and acrylic tank. I haft to buy better lights for it. I got a deal 900 bucks!
  7. juniors04

    Just bought another Tank

    So as of right now I have a 300 gallon fish only and live rock, and a 50 gallon reef tank. I just bought another 300 gallon tank today from a local fish store closing down. Im still undecided what to go with it. Either reef or fish only?. but here is some pics of it.
  8. juniors04

    Protein skimmer

    Do you guys clean your protein skimmer? If so do you guys clean the whole thing? Or is it good to leave that bacteria in it?
  9. juniors04

    Starting up a Reef tank 50 gallons

    some updates
  10. juniors04

    My fish, lets see yours.

    Your butterflys are awsome!
  11. juniors04

    harlequin tuskfish

    Awsome fish! Mine is going on 2 years soon. They are not to aggresive. They love to eat. Good luck with yours Heres a Pic of mine.
  12. juniors04

    280 Gallon FOWLR stocking problem...

    Got any pics for us?
  13. juniors04

    Thinking about buying this Show Size Chrysurus Angel.

    Awsome Fish looked real nice and much bigger than what the pitures shows. Hes eating great. The only reason i didnt walk out with him is cause I have to figure the best method to introduce him with my French (the king of the Tank). I also dont have room for him in my QT hes way to big! So my LFS...
  14. juniors04

    Starting up a Reef tank 50 gallons

      Quote: Originally Posted by JAXFishGirl is that crab a hitchhiker? Or did you add it? From what I can tell from this thread, your tank isn't cycled yet. Shouldn't really add anything this early Yeah theres a few hermits and a lot of hitchikers from the rocks.
  15. juniors04

    Starting up a Reef tank 50 gallons

    I dont know? Is that what those are called?
  16. juniors04

    Starting up a Reef tank 50 gallons

    Look whats on the crabs shell.
  17. juniors04

    Starting up a Reef tank 50 gallons

    Got some more Live rock ordered some Fiji rock.
  18. juniors04

    Starting up a Reef tank 50 gallons

    Intresting stuff hmmm maybe i should take the air stone out my 300 gallon than? (But not completly sold). How many power heads would i need?