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  1. angus

    lazy fish

    Maybe your cycle is not quite done yet. ammonia should be 0 temp should be closer to 80 nitrites should be 0, what are yours? Have you done a water change yet?
  2. angus

    lazy fish

    Need more info. How old is the tank? What is your tanks temp? What kind of fish do you have? What are your water parameters? Have you added anything new to your tank lately? Could be a lack of oxygen. Do you have any powerheads in the tank for circulation? Most all fish like brisk water...
  3. angus


    <i told the fish store if they would take him back but they said no o i dont know wat to do with h him That's too bad about the fish store. Look around for another store, there are good ones and bad ones. A friend of mine has one of these hermits in a separate 10 gallon tank. He got a cheap...
  4. angus


    From the picture on that site, it looks more like a scarlet reef hermit. That one isn't supposed to be a problem with eating fish. hmmm. There are many different reef hermits, the one I'm talking about is called the White Spotted or Shell-Breaking reef hermit. I attached 2 pictures. They're...
  5. angus


    hi picassotrigger- Yeah, damsels are downright nasty, but still, they gotta sleep if ya know what I mean. The crab is likely to prowl around at night when the lights are off and could trap a fish in it's bolt hole or where ever it sleeps. FYI, Clownfish are actually in the Damselfish family...
  6. angus

    HELP!!!!! I have Ich on my fish with LR

    Sorry simm, I disagree. Read below: "If protozoan parasites show themselves in your main system, very likely they have reproduced and left resting, non-feeding stages of progeny in the water and on the substrate. Oh joy. Getting rid of these can be a real pain. At the very least, allowing the...
  7. angus

    HELP!!!!! I have Ich on my fish with LR

    Maybe try this. 1. Move all your LR and inverts to a new tank with water from the main tank. Since inverts don't get or host Ich, the Ich will die off without a fish host. You'll need to let the hospital tank run fallow (without fish) for a month to make sure the Ich is gone. 2. In the...
  8. angus


    Without seeing a picture of the crab, you described what is called a White Spotted or Reef Hermit crab. This is not something I'd want in my tank. They can get up to six inches and are very predaceous. They will, and do attack fish, unless the fish are very large. If it's red with white...
  9. angus

    Pistol shrimp?

    marinefish- I was going on my own experiences and stories I have heard about the pistols being somewhat aggressive, but after doing some research on them, seems I may have been a bit harsh in my last post. My humble apologies if I freaked you out... They certainly are not in the same category...
  10. angus

    coral banded shrimp

    Probably has to do with their exoskeletons. Those hard shells must keep the parasites from attacking.
  11. angus

    Pistol shrimp?

    That sounds pretty cool! One word of caution, keep an eye out for any sudden change in aggression regarding the pistol. That Goby could be an expensive shrimp snack. Most people that keep them house them in a seperate species tank...shrimp only with live rock. Actually if I think about it...
  12. angus

    Hermit crabs killed my gamma?

    My vote would be that the fish was sick already. Any healthy fish will easily out run a hermit crab. The only exception is if the fish (like a firefish), lives in hole in a rock, or substrate and the crab traps him in there. Though I'd imagine even then the crab would have to be pretty big to...
  13. angus

    coral banded shrimp

    The CB shrimp is an invert and as such will not get Ich. Remember though, many inverts are likely to be killed by Ich treatments such as copper. They also don't do well with reduced salinity, another treatment.
  14. angus

    clowns? & How many?

    <Does that mean I can only add one more fish? You might be able to add 2, but I'd start with adding only one more. It's best to add fish slowly so as not to increase the bio-load of your tank quickly. This will also allow for a new fish to set up his/her territory without too much...
  15. angus

    clowns? & How many?

    You can't add anymore clownfish in a tank that size. The two fish you have now are probably a mated pair and could kill the new one. Maybe add a small pygmy angel? Maybe a coral beauty? With the dottyback in there, try and find a fish that has a different color and shape than him...
  16. angus

    I need help with my clownfish not eating.

    Besides trying different foods, make sure that the food you're offering is not too large. If the male is small, offer some really small pieces. The live brine shrimp might work as well. My clownfish loves squid and mysis shrimp. Small pieces, and she'll eat like a pig. Big pieces, she'll...
  17. angus

    nitrites in the red

    <I added 3 Anemones and it has went up from there. my tank is 6 months old. Magic- After reading about your over crowded 10 gallon tank last week, I'm not surprised that you now are dealing with Ich and high nitrites, basically a crashing system..... I'll try and help as best as I can here...
  18. angus

    need HELP!!

    Most likely it will have to cycle again. If you want to try to speed it up, get a new, clean 20 gallon rubbermaid trash can and try using some of the water you have now. This may speed up the cycle process at your new place. Also, keep your sand, this may help. Another thought would be to try...
  19. angus

    cycle water changes

    <and with an eclipse system how often should the filter be changed. You can change them as often as you want really, depends on your budget. :-) From what I understand about those cartridges, they don't hold very much carbon. It's probably shot after 3 or 4 days. The other purpose of those...
  20. angus

    what dose Ifs stand for

    Sad but true NaCl-H2O. I finally found a great store near where I live, only an hour away. :-) The owner has a lot of experience, and all the people who work there defer to him on any tough questions. The only place I've ever been where an employee talked a customer OUT of buying something...