Been a looooong time since I updated this thread! I'm still reefkeepin', I'm still occasionally lurkin', more or less just doin' my thing (whatever the hell THAT is, I just don't know). So it's been a full year and change....almost 13 months, in fact....since I've last updated this page. We've weathered some storms, some literal and some metaphorical, down in my neck of the woods, but I'm happy to say that fish and tank have been performing well. Here's a quick stock list and status update, along with the obligatory full tank shot as of tonight, Jan 13, 2018:
Blue Spotted Jawfish, Opistognathus rosenblatti
Purple Tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum
Potter's Angel, Centropyge potteri
Red Firefish, Nemateleotris magnifica
Yellow Clown Goby, Gobiodon okinawae
Foxface Lo, Siganus vulpinus
Tiger Wardi Goby, Valenciennea wardii
2 Black Ice Clowns, Assholeus mcbitemeus
African Leopard Wrasse, Macropharyngodon bipartitus
Radiant Wrasse, Halichoeres iridis
Red Velvet Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis
Golden Rhomboid Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis
Lineatus Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus lineatus
And, in QT, coming out next week:
Midas Blenny, Ecsenius midas
Lunate Fairy Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus cf. lunatus (or possibly C. squirei)
The last fish I'm really interested in adding to this tank is a Copperband Butterfly and possibly a Blue mandarin, but otherwise we're done. The clownfish are fun to watch since they like to "host" in a large paly colony on the bottom of the tank. Equipment-wise we're about the same as last year. 29g sump with filter floss, a TLF phosban reactor, macroalgae fuge, protein skimmer and I dose 2-part + carbon with a 3 head bubble magus. ATO is done with simple float switches. I recently added a little food defroster cup on the side so they can feed as frozen shrimp thaw and fall through the grates....that's fun to watch. Otherwise, corals are growing, fish are getting fat, and (knocks very firmly on wood) things seem to be going.....swimmingly! Hope you like the pic: